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Stations and Ports

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  • Stations and Ports

    I think that in Civ3, there should be special structures called Stations which allow you to embark and disembark from railway lines...
    A unit embarks at a station and can move, at the cost of one turn, to any other station within a certain radius given by the current train technology...
    Stations can also be use to connect far-flung resources to cities, and send resources to the city... Stations of varying sizes have different 'catchment areas', similar to city radii...
    Also, it should be impossible to embark at an enemy station.. Your tracks and foreign tracks should be connected, but if the foreigner isn't your ally, you will have to pay to use their tracks (tracks within their border).. If you are at war with a nation, use of their railway lines is prohibited...

    Another concept is that of ports.. Ports are built by engineers on the coastline.. They can be built alongside stations and so a ship can visit an offshore oil rig, for example, and send the oil to a city thru the port & station... Ships can be built and repaired at ports, and ferries and passenger ships can ply to and from other ports..
    You should be able to click on a port to bring up a 'port screen', where you can build ships and port improvements like Customs Houses, Loading cranes, Hotels, Warehouses which increase trade and 'tourism'.

    Also, airfields can be upgraded to airports, which can hold more planes (airfields should allow a certain number only), and you can then build planes and more improvements (passenger terminals, customs etc.)...
    Passenger planes could ply between airports..
    If 'Corporations' are incorporated into the game, they could form airline companies which control passenger planes and land at your airports for a fee... This will help increase 'tourism' and 'migration'...


    ICQ: 17719980

  • #2
    Oh I forgot, the resources for building in these places can either come from a 'support city', or from the national treasury (if implemented)...

    And for imports and exports, the user should be able to set tax rates and duties.. In this way, he can encourage, discourage, mop up revenues from trade...

    ICQ: 17719980


    • #3
      Shiva, your idea is so good that someone already used: "Transport Tycoon" is the name of the game

      I enjoyed it, but IMHO is really a different game from CIV.

      BTW, it's fun to see how someone on Apolyton think that CIV III need a more strategical level of play, with less micromanagement and someone else think we need more tactical level and more micromanagement.

      I can better understand how so many people left Firaxis to join BHG: just to stop their CIV III headaches

      Adm.Naismith AKA mcostant
      "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
      - Admiral Naismith

