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A challenge: The Revenge of Hammurabi

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  • A challenge: The Revenge of Hammurabi

    A while ago I started a deity game with the Babylonians on a small map (wanted a quick game). My initial thought was a peacefull-building strategy and try to get a lot of culture. Sadly it didn't turn out that way. On my peak I had some 8 cities. My military was absolutely zero: a couple warriors, spearman and a bowman (every city had only 1 unit). Then the worst-case scenario became reality: my powerfull neighbours, the Persians, attacked me with an army which i couldn't in a 100 000 years defeat. I lost 3 cities through conquest (including Ashur which had an iron source). When their armada approached my capitol I begged for a peace treaty, which they granted me for a lot of gold per turn + a city.

    Now the year is 410 BC. This is the situation:
    - Only 4 cities
    - No gold to speak of
    - 1 resource of horses
    - 1 army of bowman,
    - completely behind in tech
    - a very powerfull Persian empire with an large army, a lot of gold and tech, just waiting to deliver the final blow.

    But look on the bright side:
    + I have a lot of workers
    + My cities have great locations for production and growth

    I tried to build up an army and defeat them but I failed. I was to quick in my counterattack (within 15 turns). My army was too small to keep Ashur (which I was to conquer fairly easily) in my possession. Damned Immortals...

    I think this a real challenge for some of the most experienced players... Only the very best can pull this of I think.

    GOOD LUCK!!!
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Dalai Lama; July 28, 2002, 18:59.

  • #2
    I'd be surprised if anyone actually plays this save game. No offense, but who wants to pick up the pieces of your falling empire? Start a new game, and make sure you have a military next time.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Incan_Warrior
      I'd be surprised if anyone actually plays this save game. No offense, but who wants to pick up the pieces of your falling empire?

      Actually I suspect many will try this. Given some of the calls for .SAV's that I've seen before.


      • #4
        Yes, sounds like an interesting game. Even if it is impossible, best take a look at the save


        • #5
          I'll give it a download when I get off of work later today. Sounds like fun.
          Making the Civ-world a better place (and working up to King) one post at a time....


          • #6
            Ouch! Just looked at the save... not only are all 4 cities very small and apparently well pop-rushed (which means you can't trade away your luxuries early on) but there is indeed a huge Persian army sitting right there, with the Zulus on the other side. The economy is poor too. At least the cities have some culture and barracks, and on the plus side it's a golden age too. And you have a GL generated army. Well, time to get scavenging for whatever resources I can!


            • #7
              Originally posted by DrFell
              Ouch! Just looked at the save... [...] Well, time to get scavenging for whatever resources I can!
              DrFell, if you're going to play this keep us posted on your progress. I was thinking of playing it, but you're right, it's bleak. Very bleak.

              Being the cheat that I am I was thinking of playing it with reload cheating just to see if it was possible, but the "Preserve Random Seed" is on, so that option is not available (good news for the real players out there).

              Anyway I'd be curious if it was playable, so let us know.


              • #8
                Hey, I said it was a real challenge. But that's the risk of my playing style: I never build an army early on (only exception: Persians or Romans-> great early UU's). I'm a builder. I only engage in wars after I have build up an cavalry army. Maybe I should try sometime to chunk out some horsemen early in the game. Make things maybe a bit easier for myself.

                But I had a a lot of fun trying to restore the glory of the Babylonian empire (didn't work)

                Something I forgot to mention: The empire is indeed in Golden Age (how ironic is that!!!). So that's an advantage for sure.


                • #9
                  I tried it out.. very nasty mess. Attaching a save from as far as I got. I played to a pretty decent position, but this next turn is awful. You can sign a MPP with Persia and they won't attack, that's not what I did. I don't think Persia can be held off this time.
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    I must say Aeson that I'm impressed. You managed to found a lot of new cities in the little available space. Even conquered a couple. Anyway, I hope you had fun with it.


                    • #11
                      It was interesting. I think I could have done it if I had gotten a leader in my first war with the English (~10 elite victories). The Great Library was still available at the time, and that would have put me just about even on tech.

                      I am a bit suprised that the AI didn't attack me sooner though. I kept grabbing resources and luxuries with poorly defended cities.


                      • #12
                        In any case, I sympathize as a fellow babylonian. Those Persians can be a messy business to deal with.

                        Aeson, as always, your skill astounds me
                        "What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?" Irv Kupcinet

                        "It's easy to stop making mistakes. Just stop having ideas." Unknown


                        • #13
                          Hehe, the GL got built really early on by Persia in my game... wonder if I can capture it... Considering they have cavalry and musketeers I could see that being a challenge as all I have is knights.

