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Flaws of Civ 3 and possible solutions - very long post

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  • #46
    I think the modern era is in need of improvement.


    And I think I've fixed it. Check out v4 of my space race mod. (Click the link in my signature.)
    - "A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it still ain't a part number." - Ron Reynolds
    - I went to Zanarkand, and all I got was this lousy aeon!
    - "... over 10 members raised complaints about you... and jerk was one of the nicer things they called you" - Ming


    • #47
      The situation where they are best is when you are about to invade a new continent with a strong enemy. You have lots of tanks, inf and artillery, of course, but all these will have to unload and stay on the beach waiting for the enemy counter-attack before being able to do anything. Instead of waiting for the massacre, attack an enemy city with a transport (or 2) full of Marines and capture the enemy city. Move in transports and unload inside the city, and your tanks can immediately move out and attack neighboring cities.

      Two transports full of Marines would really be what you need to capture a city defended with mech.inf, given marines' attack value of 8. Better to have 2 more transports of tanks...

      Coracle - I can't believe I'm agreeing with you. While I really love Civ 3, I don't want flipping in Word War 2 scenario (something I await to play)... seeing a Baltic city flip to Germany... nooooo!
      Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
      Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
      I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


      • #48
        About the ES thing...I play AOC all the time. I know the people that work for ES to play test the game. The difference between ES and Firaxis/inforgrames is enormous. When ES has a problem with balance or something they feel can be done better they hire experts from the AOC community to go play test the game and work it out. Their methods obviously work far better than the Firaxis approach (release the game and then beta test it) considering that AOC has an enormous following. Even now when AOM is about to come out and the AOC/AOK has been out for 3+ years they still are making balance changes to the game and patching it to insure the life of the game. Compare the expansion pack for civ3 to the expansion pack for AOK. This "expansion" pack for civ3 is a joke. All we're getting is what any other game would have had included in the original product. Putting MP as a new option in an expansion pack? I don't think I've ever heard of something so ludicrous before. The difference between AOK and AOC is incredible, they are two completely different games. The only difference between civ3 and PTW is that we are simply getting what should have been in civ3. There is no real improvement or expansion on the game. But I guess that's why ES is such a giant and Infogrames is just a small time publisher.


        • #49
          HappySunshine, you're missing it a bit. Sure, PtW is a bit strage, with including scenarios and MP in the expansion, and AoC was huge over AoK... but ES develops the game, Infogrames doesn't. I don't like Infogrames, I like Firaxis.
          Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
          Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
          I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


          • #50
            Originally posted by Solver
            HappySunshine, you're missing it a bit. Sure, PtW is a bit strage, with including scenarios and MP in the expansion, and AoC was huge over AoK... but ES develops the game, Infogrames doesn't. I don't like Infogrames, I like Firaxis.
            I don't really like Infogrames either, I think it's because they have such a weird name.....


            • #51
              Too much

