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Brainstorming thread for improving Civ III's naval aspects

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  • #16
    To continue my rantings on Naval Warfare . . .

    Trade Routes:

    Heaven forfend that I say anything good about Call to Power, but I did like the basic trade route concept in that game. I would modify it for Civ 3 in this way:

    Firstly, I would keep the ability to negotiate to trade resources and commodities. But, once the trade is agreed upon a trade route must be defined. As in CTP, you'd have to build and dedicate a caravan or -- if by sea -- a transport to move that commodity. As was mentioned in a post above, this transporting unit would not be helpless when attacked, but -- being a non-military unit -- would be relatively weak.

    This, of course, leads me to the idea of being able to perform commerce warfare or guerre de course. Instead of depicting the trade route as the commodity moving over a blue line -- as in CTP -- which could be interdicted at any point, I would have the transporting unit physically move between ports by the shortest path (allowing deviations as necessary for intervening neutral ships). To interdict this transport, the enemy naval unit would have to intercept it (move into the same square) as it would any other unit.

    Players could elect to protect their sea-going transports by assigning escorts (perhaps in the same way armies are built for land purposes -- although, I would hope it would be possible to detach ships from task forces -- see below).

    A caravan or sea transport would only be able to carry one commodity or resource. As is depicted in the game now, it would not be necessary to physically carry the commodity between trading cities (as in Civ 2) but simply open the trading route.

    Task Forces:

    Permit the construction of Task Forces (TFs). These would operate much like armies on land -- though it should be possible to attach/detach ships to it at the beginning of any move.

    Amphibious Operations:

    Amphibious assault directly upon a defended coastal square should be possible by any ground unit, but require specialized amphibious naval vessels to perfomr this mission. These could look like LSTs or LCMs, but the bottom line is, they enable direct assault.

    Marine units would perhaps receive an attack bonus -- or at least suffer no combat penalties -- for performing an amphib assault. Other ground units would attack at, say 50% their normal power when performing an amphib assault. Cavalry and armored units would also loose their ability to retreat during combat when performing amphib assault.

    LSTs (amphib vessels) would only be able to carry one unit. Thus, an amphib unit would have to be relatively cheap to build. (I am doing this so that players will differentiate between large sea-going transports and amphib vessels).

    Normal coastal landings on undefended shores should still be possible from transports, but landed units may not move further that turn. If these landings (on an undefended coastal square) are made from amphib vessels, however, the ground unit should be able to move up to one-half its normal movement rate -- normal terrain and other movement costs woudl still apply.

    It should NEVER be possible to land any ground unit -- except, perhaps, rangers if/when such a unit is created for the game -- from the sea directly onto a mountain square.

    Naval Air Warfare:

    Naval vessels should have an anti-aircraft (AAA) capability!! Any aircraft attacking a naval vessel should be subjected to AAA. If hit by AAA, the aircraft would either suffer damage -- or even be shot down! (What a concept!)

    An aircraft that is hit by AAA would still be able to attack the ship, but at a lower probability of getting a hit on the ship, and/or doing less damage if/when the hit occurs.

    A ship would be able to fire AAA each time it is attacked (although I could be persuaded this defensive fire would be as is currently depicted in the game for artillery).

    (Oh yeah, when I get the chance to write about air warfare, I will most definitely wax prolific on the need for the player to BE ABLE TO MOVE HIS AIRCRAFT again as in Civ 2 -- but that is a topic for another thread).

    As mentioned above, there should be naval aircraft -- and only they should be permitted to operate from CVs. Moreover, they should have a bonus attack strength when attacking ships at sea or in port.

    I forgot to mention in the ASW posting above that there should be ASW aircraft (such as the P-3 or S-3) in the game as well. These would cost about as much as a bomber, but be able to patrol and spot any submarine at the shallowest depth.

    (I also forgot to mention in my discussion of deeply diving subs that they'd have to come to the shallowest depth to attack surface vessels or launch ballistic missiles. They'd have to remain at the shallowest level at the end of any turn in which combat had occurred).

    Naval aircraft, of course, would be able to operate from land bases as all aircraft currently do in the game. But no non-naval aircraft could operate from a CV.

    Fuel and Replenishment

    For those of you who played Civ 2, you will no doubt recall the helicopter unit, which lost strength each turn it was away from a city. Naval vessels -- other than sailing ships -- require an immense amount of fuel to stay underway. As with the helicopters in Civ 2, I'd like to see naval vessels affected by their running low on fuel.

    Here's how I'd emulate this. I'd give all naval vessels -- except those under sail -- a second power/strength bar which would show the amount of fuel it has remaining. Once this goes to zero, the ship would be dead in the water (though, perhaps it could be towed by any other naval vessel at 1 or 2 squares per turn).

    Coal-powered ships would be able to stay at sea four turns. Oil powered ships would be able to stay at sea six turns. Nuclear powered vessels should be able to stay at sea indefinitely.

    Players should be able to build underway replenishment ships -- colliers and tankers. These would be able to refuel any number of ships at sea at a rate of one or two per turn.

    I know players often don't want to worry about such logistics, but is sure would make the game more interesting. Moreover, it could be toggled off if players really did not want to bother with it.

    I've more, but I need to get to work.

    Da Colonel


    • #17
      Geez - another Vondrack diarrhea thread has spawned even more diarrhea. I think you've got good ideas Von, but there's something to be said for brevity.

      That being said: I sincerely think the naval part of Civ3 would be improved if there were some reason to be on the ocean in the first place - so I propose placing oil resources in the ocean. Any boat could carry workers, who could then build an offshore oil rig - essentially creating an oceanic colony. Those without oil in their borders would throw a fit fighting over the resource, and the ocean would become a new, interesting battlefield.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Incan_Warrior
        Geez - another Vondrack diarrhea thread has spawned even more diarrhea. I think you've got good ideas Von, but there's something to be said for brevity.

        Is it that bad??

        I know some of my posts are lengthy... but especially for this one I did my best to keep it on topic... sorry, guys, you will probably have to put up with this... uh... diarrhea (?!?) of mine... it's a feature probably... and even if it is a bug... it is still a feature I can't switch off...

        Originally posted by Incan_Warrior
        That being said: I sincerely think the naval part of Civ3 would be improved if there were some reason to be on the ocean in the first place - so I propose placing oil resources in the ocean.
        I like this idea with resources appearing in the ocean. I can see a small problem however... how could you "connect" them to your empire?


        • #19

          Having some resources at sea is a good idea. The real reason to go to sea, however, is that is -- or should be -- the highway of world commerce.

          That's why it is so important to bring back in the idea of physically having to move goods and resources between civs and their cities. Right now it is so abstracted, you're right, why bother going to sea at all?

          Col D.


          • #20
            In my own mod, I nearly doubled the movement of all naval units, for destroyers, their movement is more than doubled. To battleships I gave blitz ability, and to Ageis Cruiser, I increased their range to 4 and capacity to 10. Nuclear Sub can carry 5 Tactical Missiles and Carrier can carry 8 air craft. A powerful navy can now be a huge threat to your enemies.

            Artistic and hand-made ceramics found only at


            • #21
              A few ideas

              Subs should have retreat ability during combat, like fast movers on land. Right now you usually lose a sub v. destroyer (much less battleship). With retreat ability (instead of just higher attack values), the usefulness of subs will be when combined with other surface ships or when used in wolfpacks.

              I like the idea of visible trade routes which only certain units, such as subs and privateers, could disrupt. However, the idea of adding back caravans or other logistical units is really terrible - the game (especially late-game) is enough of a clickfest the way it is. I like having trade abstracted - it just needs to be attackable.

              In the alternative to visible trade routes, I would suggest much easier blockading. Right now to blockade you need to have a unit on *every* water tile around a port - that's a ridiculous amount of resources. Instead, any single unit with attack value >1 should be able to blockade a port by being within it's movement range of the port (e.g. nuke sub w/i 4). What will happen? Blockading will be easy - one ship per port to blockade, and most ships can sit outside the visible city radius of a port, or you can use a sub which is invisible. Suddenly privateers have value and disrupt naval trade. Response? A civ dependent on water trade routes will need a navy to patrol it's sea lanes - one or more flotillas floating around, responding to messages that a port is blockaded. Counter-response? The blockading civ will back up it's blockading privateers/destroyers/subs with a few fleets of its own farther off.

              Voila - you suddenly have significant value to naval units and constant naval combat. Being a island civ will require you to have a strong navy to survive (think England), but if you have the strong navy, you can inflict heavy damage on a continental power without invading (think France). The best advantages to this suggestion is that it's only a minor tweak to the way the game works now and it doesn't introduce a bunch of logistical units which become a nightmare of constantly maneuvering around the map.


              • #22
                Ok here is what i did to improve naval units in the Blitz mod

                *moved ironclads from steam power to steel (lengthens age of sail)
                *increased naval units bombard
                *gave virtually all modern naval units the all terrain counts as roads along with blitz:
                what this does is make naval units very fast when they don't attack, but they can't come in bombard a few times and then escape
                *changed unit statistics to encourage use of combined arms
                Frigate 6.5.2 8[4]1 60 {Ironclad}
                Man-O-War 8.6.2 8[4]1 60 {Frigate}
                Ironclad 10.9.3 10[5]1 90 {Destroyer} Steel
                Transport 1.6.3 100|8
                Destroyer 12.15.5 12[5]1 110 (can see submarines, zoc) {Aegis Cruiser}
                Battleship 25.20.4 16[6]2 200|1 (can carry cruise missiles)
                Carrier 1.12.4 200|5 (radar, doesn't carry bombers) Advanced Flight
                Submarine 16.6.4 110 (can see submarines, zoc)
                Aegis Cruiser 16.24.5 12[5]1 160|3 (can see submarines, radar, can carry cruise missile)
                Nuclear Submarine 10.14.4 150|3 (can see submarines)

                all of the units listed above have all terrain as roads and blitz
                while without flags to make certain units perform better than others i still believe that these stats would encourage players to a number of different unit types instead of just just one super unit like a battleship

                if firaxis did all of the above that would be a start

                but then here are the other things i think would improve naval combat

                *naval units get a zone of control for blockade purposes, and if a civ is blockaded at the start of their turn that civ will experience a blockade throughout the entire turn

                this would make setting up a blockade far easier than what it is now, because right now setting up a blockade is virtually impossible on all but the smallest weakest civs

                *introduce combat flags, the most important would be ASW, combat ships (naval power AI) without ASW could not attack submarines and would pass over them, while naval transport AI ships would always engage submarines they run into, and submarines attacking units without ASW would either get a combat bonus or those ships would be unable to attack back, so a submarine attack against a battleship would work similar to bombarding...this means that ASW ships would always need to be in a stack, and if surface ships like cruisers or battleships could easily sink ASW ships like destroyers then combined arms would be the key to naval superiority

                *introduce navies

                *get rid of infinite movement along railroads for land units, change it to something between 6-12, this would encourage amphibious assaults because a player could use navies to catch land forces off balance, unlike now where railroads make it impossible for a navy to catch ground forces off balance

                *increase marines' attack

                all of those taken together could radically change the naval combat aspect of civ3 and hopefully make naval units more powerful without being unbalanced compared to air or ground units

                also i think we should make a best of the best list that the great majority of us can agree on and i think that simpler ideas should take precidence over the more complicated ideas, because while i think firaxis will most likely implement a few simple changes i know they won't completely rewrite all of the naval warfare code because it is doubtful they have the time or resources to do that even if they wanted to


                • #23
                  To be able to connect resources to your network, you would have to allow roads to be built on coast/sea/ocean, which can be done.

                  I allowed roads, irrigation, and mining to be done on coast to test the theory. The results: roads are possible, but they don't allow unit movement (at least in the limited trial I did) . You take a Worker on a boat, send it to the tile you want worked, wake Worker, assign task, don't move the boat until the Worker is done. I haven't finished my trials yet on water related stuff because I need to add some resources in the water and test if roads work for the network. Roads don't block the early ships (haven't tried later era ships yet).


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by korn469
                    *gave virtually all modern naval units the all terrain counts as roads along with blitz: what this does is make naval units very fast when they don't attack, but they can't come in bombard a few times and then escape
                    I don't understand this. Why aren't they fast if the do attack? You can still move after you attack. Do you lose your road rate after you attack or something? Why does it make the ships slower if they attack?

                    Battleship 25.20.4 16[6]2 200|1 (can carry cruise missiles)
                    How do you set Battleships to carry CM's? In the editor I see settings like "Transport only aircraft" or "Transport only Tac Missiles", but no "Transport CM's".

                    Also, just curious, why don't you have this capability for subs?

                    *naval units get a zone of control for blockade purposes,
                    So, presuming visible trade routes, if a ship's ZOC covered the route the route would be blocked?

                    Last edited by RedBird; July 26, 2002, 14:15.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by kring
                      To be able to connect resources to your network, you would have to allow roads to be built on coast/sea/ocean, which can be done.

                      I allowed roads, irrigation, and mining to be done on coast to test the theory. The results: roads are possible, but they don't allow unit movement (at least in the limited trial I did) . You take a Worker on a boat, send it to the tile you want worked, wake Worker, assign task, don't move the boat until the Worker is done. I haven't finished my trials yet on water related stuff because I need to add some resources in the water and test if roads work for the network. Roads don't block the early ships (haven't tried later era ships yet).
                      Interesting. I can't say I'd like the aesthetics of it, but if it allows off-shore oil resources it might be worth it. Do these roads boost the trade that city workers generate for that square?


                      • #26
                        How about adding a patrol key for ships, they could go along your coastline and protect trade routes. One of the biggest problems with civ has always been having to do everything manually, which is boring when you're not at war but want to maintain a millitary and be ready to fight.

                        FLEETS! They could see further and move as one. You could attach carriers to battleships to do automatic recon, and you could attack destroyers to act as support ships for the fleet, bombarding, conducting recon and joining in battles with the other ships. Once you get into battles with other AI fleets things could get really interesting, and it would turn into an interplay of ships and planes that you could control at different phases of the battle.

                        I think all of this could be done without making the game needlessly complex, actually, much of it might simplify things, as you wouldn't have to constantly be telling your units what to do.


                        • #27
                          Re: A few ideas

                          Originally posted by GI Josh
                          Subs should . . . .
                          I saw your ideas in another thread and was going to cut and paste them over here (with attribution to you of course) if you didn't make your way over here to post.

                          I really think your's is a great idea -- substantially improves naval units / brings the navy back into the game but is straightforward and easy to understand for the average player. [Don't know about the re-coding issues / challenges, but this idea, IMHO, would be a terrific addition to PTW or the first patch after PTW].



                          • #28
                            Better subs

                            Some ideas I have have for improving submarines. First give all units a chance of spotting pre-nuclear submarines. The more they move the higher the change of being spotted. This will represent the time they spend on the surface. This, however, will be the only way stop spot a sub without the new sonar advance.

                            With the sonar advance a new advanced sub will because available. This sub would represent subs equipped with snorkels, and with hulls optimized of underwater travel. This will NOT be tied to nuclear power. These subs would have zero change of being detected by units not equipped with sonar. However sonar equipped units will have a special sighting range, were they can spot the subs. Also the faster they move the easier they are to detect. The biggest range for spotting subs would belong to the sub itself, making them valuable against other subs. Once rookery was developed you’d get ballistic missile subs, which can carry two cruise or tactic nuclear missiles. They would be able to do anything a regular sub could do; only not as well, with lower attack and spotting range, and they would cost more. With the discovery of nuclear power you’d get nuclear versions of these subs, which would be faster.

                            One this I’ve noticed about the advancement tree, especially in modern times, is that there’s a tendency to assume that advances must come in the same order that they came in real history. There was a new generation of diesel powered subs that where coming to be right at the end of Would War II. In fact advanced diesel subs allot like that are gaining favor for use as attack subs today!


                            • #29
                              A few ideas for surface warfare: first, there definitely needs to be an intermediate "cruiser" surface unit. Rock-paper-scissors wouldn't work as rock-scissors, and naval comabt is always going to be uninteresting with only two units. To make the cruiser useful beyond just a not-as-cheap-as-destroyer unit, both the cruiser and destroyer should operate like ground fast-movers. The battleship, transport, and carrier should operate like ground infantry and should all have less movement. This way, hordes of cheap destroyers can kill a battleship without or with very little loss, however a few cruisers will be able to defend the big boys from the speedy little destroyers. Combined with all modern ships blitz, and you would have a situation where the large, heavy battle fleets plod around protecting the carriers or transports, while speedy destroyer and cruiser squadrons flit around the ocean picking off stray transports and hunting each other.

                              Subs have been handled in great detail by others, and better than I would address it. My only wish would be if there was some way for subs to pick their target when they attack, rather than have the strongest defender automatically defend. If a sub gets close enough to launch an attack, wouldn't it also (by it's silent nature) be able to pick the first target to launch a spread at? The only exception would be AEGIS-stacks, where the AEGIS would automatically defend (becasue there isn't ever going to be a seperate "Modern ASW Frigate" unit)

                              The "naval superiority" mission is an excellent idea. It should come availible with Magnetism (the first offensive sea units) and could allow a small force of privateers to enforce blockades along an entire coast. Going further, I think giving ships the "recon" mission option would make spotting the enemy task forces/transports much easier. Allowing ships to move, then recon, would mimic the ASW "sprint-and-drift" tactics used by modern navies. Recons by destroyers/AEGIS should be able to spot non-nuc subs, the only way to spot a nuc should be another nuc or getting one/two tiles away from an AEGIS (to reflect the lower average noise and greater depth at which they operate).

                              Carrier aircraft need to have lethal naval bombard. Carriers with aircraft should be able to conduct naval superiority over the range of the carrier + the range of the aircraft, and use aircraft against those that violate the range, both at sea and on land. For the current aircraft, there need to be counterpart naval aircraft, except for the stealth. So, there should be naval figter, naval bomber, and naval jet fighter (which would have the best of both world stats of the earlier version plus a little - think F/A-18).


                              • #30
                                If you want to simulate modern nave combat you need two thing, missiles and aircraft. There’s basically two big advances in this area. Aircraft careers and surface to air missiles.

                                With rocketry you should be able to build missile cruisers with both carry missiles and have a high chance of intercepting air units. There attack, defense and none missile bombard will be much lower then battles ships, but they’d be more effective because of there cruse missile. They should also be able to spot subs, you could put a modern destroyer unit in, but if you're coning to bring another unit with you to hunt subs it might as well be one of your subs.

                                Aircraft carriers should, in general, be developed before missile cruisers but after battleship. Plane should be able to sink ships on there own. However attacking in range of a missile cruiser should be a very bad idea. battle ships and destroyers should get a chance to intercept fighters and bombers, but not jet fighters or stealth, and at a much lower rate then missile cruisers. This means that attacking battleships with aircraft is a good tactic.

                                The AEGIS cruiser, which is really just a poorly named missile cruiser which takes to long to develop should be dropped.

