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# of units the AI gets after a flip

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  • #16
    I don´t think so. I have sometimes lost some undefended city to a lone Cavalry, and when my tanks arrive one or two turns later, the only defender is still that same cavalry.

    In most cases (I suppose ) the AI will re-capture their own lost cities, and these will not have any resistance, so they can immediately draft or hurry more defenders.


    • #17
      Good point, Hurricane.

      I share this experience. It happens rarely, that the AIs capture my cities, rather they temporary recapture their own, without resistance. But when they succeed to do so, and I recapture my city later, I get the message "The resistance in ... has ended". So the resistance applies to the AI too. I never saw more units in it than should be there, mostly I meet fairly injured horsemen, knights or cavalries.

