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Did I mess up this Diplomacy?

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  • Did I mess up this Diplomacy?

    I am playing on monarch and I had an alliance with the chinese..which are very powerful and on another continent. I was fighting the egyptians in a war of attritian (on the chinese continent) and I wanted to quit early but I toughed it out because I didn't want the chinese to get mad and was trying to stay in thier good graces by honoring my alliance. They were gracious too me. Then on the last turn they told me they didn't want to continue the agreement and I said ok..(the 20 turns were up). They were still gracious and smiling.

    So I make peace with the egyptians right after mao contacted me in diplomacy that he didn't want to continue the alliance (I thought we had canceled). Then I look in the diplomacy after I made peace on the same turn and the chinese went from Gracious all the way down to annoyed.

    My question is, did I screw up? Should I have waited to the end of the turn? I thought thought the treaty was canceled after that diplomacy session with mao? Or did I have to wait until that turn was over...and at the beginning of next turn...if so I really screwed up.

    I hate when this happens.. I was really trying to be diplomatic this game..great..time for a restart

  • #2
    Re: Did I mess up this Diplomacy?

    Originally posted by Artifex
    I am playing on monarch and I had an alliance with the chinese..which are very powerful and on another continent. I was fighting the egyptians in a war of attritian (on the chinese continent) and I wanted to quit early but I toughed it out because I didn't want the chinese to get mad and was trying to stay in thier good graces by honoring my alliance. They were gracious too me. Then on the last turn they told me they didn't want to continue the agreement and I said ok..(the 20 turns were up). They were still gracious and smiling.

    So I make peace with the egyptians right after mao contacted me in diplomacy that he didn't want to continue the alliance (I thought we had canceled). Then I look in the diplomacy after I made peace on the same turn and the chinese went from Gracious all the way down to annoyed.

    My question is, did I screw up? Should I have waited to the end of the turn? I thought thought the treaty was canceled after that diplomacy session with mao? Or did I have to wait until that turn was over...and at the beginning of next turn...if so I really screwed up.

    I hate when this happens.. I was really trying to be diplomatic this game..great..time for a restart

    Uh, yeah ya did.

    Every game I play, if I have units in their territory and I cancel an RoP and then attack, I've betrayed them. Ya have to wait one turn for the diplomacy to take effect.

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    • #3
      Maybe it is not that bad... I remember reading an interesting post explaining that alliances and MPPs have a temporary reputation boost effect - as long as you have them, your ally rates you higher than he would otherwise. As soon as the alliance/pact is cancelled, they returne to what they'd think of you without it.

      I suggest reloading the autosave from the turn before you did this and waiting one turn before making peace withe Cleo (Artifex, that would NOT be cheating! That would be learning the subtleties of Civ3! ). You would then see if Chinese getting annoyed was inevitable or just the effect of your making peace with Cleo too quickly.


      • #4
        After checking the auto save it looks like I didn't screw up after all. I waited a couple of turns after the treaty ran out. China went to annoyed again. It looks like they were mad I wasn't still fighting Egypt. (They were still at war with china).

        So there was no international incident.
        Last edited by Artifex; July 24, 2002, 06:36.


        • #5
          Here's my theory (similar to what Vondrack said)...

          The AI is very rarely "Polite" or "Gracious" with you unless one of the following:

          1) You have a ROP with said AI.

          2) You are actively in an alliance with said AI.

          3) You have a MPP with said AI.

          I'm guessing that the AI will return to its previous disposition when these agreements are over. But, in Artifex's case, it's a little different. I'm guessing that the AI will still be "Polite" or "Gracious" as long as you are fulfilling the terms of the alliance (whether it is active or not).

          All conjecture.

