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Is this a bug?

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  • Is this a bug?

    I'm playing Theseus's AU 101 game, and something really annoying just happened, so I thought I'd check to see if this has happened to anybody else.

    I'm just on the verge of finishing off the last English city and controlling my entire continent. The only defender left is an Archer... although the last turn I lost 3 Elite Horsemen killing two regular Spearmen

    So, at the beginning of the turn, I get the message, "The English are building Copernicus's Observatory." That's great, because that means the English have just traded for Astronomy, which I don't have, and I can sign a treaty and get Astronomy from them! WRONG. When I go talk to Liz, the only thing I can get from her is 9 gold. She's building Copernicus, but she doesn't have Astronomy!

    Just for fun, I moved some workers into Liz's territory and completed the road to her last city, then paid to establish an embassy... Now she's producing a Spearman. Was she ever producing Copernicus to begin with?
    To secure peace is to prepare for war.

  • #2
    BTW, here's the save game from immediately after it said England was building Copernicus.
    Attached Files
    To secure peace is to prepare for war.


    • #3
      Question did you hit the F7 (?) key? Tat displays where al the wonders that are being bult are.
      "Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
      --P.J. O'Rourke


      • #4
        Make sure that you have the prerrequisited advances needed to learn Astronomy. Civ 3 doesn't allow you to skip on the tech tree, you need to complete the previous advances to get the newest.

        Sorry, I couldn't load your save, perhaps we are using different versions.
        «… Santander, al marchar te diré, guarda mi corazón, que por él volveré ». // Awarded with the Silver Fleece Medal SEP/OCT 2003 by "The Spanish Civilization Site" Spanish Heroes: "Blas de Lezo Bio" "Luis Vicente de Velasco Bio" "Andrés de Urdaneta Bio" "Don Juan de Austria Bio"


        • #5
          this is definetely a bug or just some good old computer player cheating.

          perhaps the english had two cities, the one you were trying to get and another undiscoverd one on an island, and therefore they could be building the spearman in one city and the Copernicus on the other.

          anyhow the cheating remains because if they did not have astronomy how could they attempt to build the Copernicus? unless there is a away to hide techs in the Diplomacy screen. those techs would be the sort of "unnegotiable" ones.

          anyhow I deem it as some CP cheating.

          all the best


          • #6
            Re: Is this a bug?

            Originally posted by Dimension
            I'm playing Theseus's AU 101 game, and something really annoying just happened, so I thought I'd check to see if this has happened to anybody else.

            I'm just on the verge of finishing off the last English city and controlling my entire continent. The only defender left is an Archer... although the last turn I lost 3 Elite Horsemen killing two regular Spearmen

            So, at the beginning of the turn, I get the message, "The English are building Copernicus's Observatory." That's great, because that means the English have just traded for Astronomy, which I don't have, and I can sign a treaty and get Astronomy from them! WRONG. When I go talk to Liz, the only thing I can get from her is 9 gold. She's building Copernicus, but she doesn't have Astronomy!

            Just for fun, I moved some workers into Liz's territory and completed the road to her last city, then paid to establish an embassy... Now she's producing a Spearman. Was she ever producing Copernicus to begin with?
            I think you may have misread the message because the Egyptians are building Copernicus' Observatory (along with two other civs). The English are still in the Ancient Age as near as I can tell.

            Barry Caudill
            Executive Producer
            Firaxis Games
            2K Games/Take 2 Interactive

