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Idle workers

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  • Idle workers

    What do you usually do when you're done terraforming your continent, and your legion of 48 workers have nothing more to do, not even join cities because they're all full or can't grow anymore? I usually look for blind spots in my territory (spots not within a city radius and start planting forests. A relic from playing SMAC, I suppose.
    Don't drink and drive, smoke and fly.
    Anti-bush and anti-Bush.
    "Who's your Daddy? You know who your Daddy is, huh?? It's me! Yeah.. I'm your Daddy! Uh-huh! How come I'm your Daddy! 'Coz I did this to your Mama? Yeah, your Mama! Yeah this your Mama! Your Mama! You suck man, but your Mama's sweet! You suck, but your Mama, ohhh... Uh-huh, your Mama! Far out man, you do suck, but not as good as your Mama! So what's it gonna be? Spit or swallow, sissy boy?" - Superfly, joecartoon

  • #2
    I'd say it's high time to claim victory.
    A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
    Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


    • #3
      I fortify some units in order to clean pollution swiftly and the other ones I sent to far away cities (which are newer and smaller and let them join the cities. I also usually send some with my invasion forces for support, i.e. fortresses, quickly connect a road.
      Excellence can be attained if you Care more than other think is wise, Risk more than others think is safe, Dream more than others think is practical and Expect more than others think is possible.
      Ask a Question and you're a fool for 3 minutes; don't ask a question and you're a fool for the rest of your life! Chinese Proverb
      Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. Warren Buffet


      • #4
        I use them to plant forests, build road/railroad network. Depending on the situation, I may use them to connect another civ to my trade network so we can trade. Build fortresses at choke points or on resource squares.

        Also, I usually chop down the jungle and replace it with forests. Usually by the time they are finished with the above things, if not before, the pollution is becoming an issue. I may also switch some current improvements between mines and irrigation, based on my needs at the time.


