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Need Help

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  • Need Help

    I have been playing Civ3 for a little while and I can't figure it out, but everytime I play, the AI researches so much faster than I do in the early stages of the game and I am only on warlord. Does anyone have any hints for me on how I can research just as fast or faster?

  • #2
    You can set your science to 70%-100% or trade tech w/ others to catch up.
    Janitor, janitor
    scrub in vein
    for the $h1t house poet
    have struck again


    • #3
      On Warlord you have a built-in research advantage -- an early AI tech lead almost certainly comes from the AI civs trading techs between themselves. Don't be afraid to trade techs aggressively with the AI civs, and don't be shy about using your treasury to buy available techs.

      If you're not trading but others are, there is no way you can keep up with many different civs which may be researching different techs and then trading their "unique techs" for the techs being researched by others.



      • #4
        After a little while you will get used to the way the AI normally approaches the tech tree. You can deliberately research along a different path (the southern path: mysticism/polytheism) and sell those to get the others. Once you have parity on warlord, you should be able to maintain a lead, given your advantages. Don't be afraid to sell tech to the AI for money later in the game... this drains their treasuries, meaning they can't do much research and are dependent upon you for tech.

        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


        • #5
          The Great Library works great for catching up in techs. I usually make a bee line for this tech and wonder. In a game I was playing on Regent last night, I got a horrible starting location and couldn't keep up in tech. By the time I got the Great Library only two other civs had been discovered. After the GL was built I got four or five free techs. After this I was able to stay ahead of one civ and just behind the other. Just before I got education( which makes the GL obsolete ) I discovered the other five civs and got seven free techs. From this point on I stayed in the tech lead by researching techs that the AI doesn't and then trading or selling them.

          This is an extream example of what I usually do because of the crappy start. Usually after getting Literature I turn my tech slider all the way down and collect lots of gold until the GL is built, after GL is built it instantly catches me up in tech( usually about four or five techs) and I then turn my tech back up and have a tech lead the rest of the game.


          • #6
            Originally posted by delsolsi
            From this point on I stayed in the tech lead by researching techs that the AI doesn't and then trading or selling them.
            How do you know what the AI is researching?


            • #7
              Originally posted by RedBird

              How do you know what the AI is researching?
              From my experience they usually go for the same techs every game so after awhile you can start to see a patern.

