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Shall i download it?

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  • Shall i download it?

    I have found the new patch at the Firaxis website, but the patch can only be downloaded from north America. Apparently the the patch can be downloaded from europe in the next 48 hours or so. So shall i wait or shall i download it from north america, even though i live in europe. Does it make any difference where i download it? will the patch work on my game even though i live in europe and not north america?

  • #2
    Does it make any difference where i download it?

    the real issue is which version you have: the american/english one, or a frence, an italian, etc...
    Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
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    • #3
      Ok thanks markg. Im just gonna assume that the american and english are identical and download it today. For some reason i cant wait to play with this patch!


      • #4
        the north american patch will work fine for you.

        mine does for me.

        the version refers to the language the game is in rather than the country you bought it from.
        If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


        • #5
          download it now! right now! Go on -do it now! Weeeeeee!!
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