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Patch opens MODERN age

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  • #16
    Dammit, Firaxis.

    Originally posted by Oerdin
    I already asked about this and was told that we can't change the time step. All turns will continue at 20 year encroments.

    If you want events scripting, control over the time step, and FULL control of a senerio you'll have to use CTP2.


    • #17
      This post will be off-topic. I apologize in advance, and will accept public flogging, tarring, and feathering as needed for punishment.

      Originally posted by Coracle

      In all the Civ 2 scenarios time was appropriate for the scenario, and techs adjusted. NEW techs were also added, such as in the WW I scenario poison gas units and zeppellns, both of which could be researched.

      Just because you can start in the Industrial era does NOT mean you have a scenario that attempts to simulate an historical situation the way Civ 2 did.
      Coracle...for the love of Pete....

      I've been watching your name bounce all over the Civ3 boards, be it in past posts or posts from tonight. All the time, I see the same thing. "Civ 2 this," "Civ 2 that," "Civ 2 used to cook my eggs for me in the morning," and "Civ 2 had my clothes all layed out for me before I went off to [insert your occupation here]."

      You know what? Civ 2 isn't Civ 3. The CtPs aren't Civ 3. SMAC isn't Civ3. They all have upsides and downsides. If I had designed the game, I might have lifted an idea here and there from different games, and maybe implemented things differently at times. But I didn't. Neither did you. I believe there are things about Civ 3 that could be done differently, maybe better--indeed, I've specified certain things I think could be imporved in a post or two--but what's been done has been done. The Firaxians are watching. Maybe if you were to calmly put forward your suggestions and be patient, Civ 4 will bear us much fruit. Remember, these folks are masters at gamecraft, and when they can implement a good idea, they will.

      To further illustrate that point, let's remember the debacle that was CtP2. At least we know that our boys at the "Big F" are here daily, I believe, and that means they listen to what we say. It's better than some other game company called Activision I could mention, but I won't.

      If Civ 3 doesn't tug at your chain the way Civ 2 does, Coracle, then how's about we get constructive and not just endlessly moan about how things were so much better in the old days. Either put your ideas up, or slither back to the Civ 2 forums and enjoy what you enjoy. Believe me, no one will think the less of you for it.

      And while I think there are problems with some things in Civ3, I still play it. The strengths are strong. And I even like it, too. Whaddaya think about that?
      Last edited by khyron; July 19, 2002, 00:04.


      • #18


        • #19
          In contrast, Civ 2 looks primitive and the spies, which Coracle loves so much, were rather cheap and a game killer.

          It turned the game into a game of Microsoft Monopoly. Buy out your enemy.
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          Strategy:The Machiavellian Doctrine
          Visit my WebsiteMonkey Dew


          • #20
            i just have a 50year long war invading an island half of the size of my own!

            It should turn into weeks or somthing when you get near the modern or late industreil age! It doesn't take 2 years to take a choddy town for it to be taken back the next year or year after that! Unless your Germans in Stalingrad!
            Help negate the vegiterian movement!
            For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!

