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What Top 5 things do you want to be able to do with the new editor?

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  • #16
    I want the ability to add new spy missions. I know they took out some espionage missions and if they are not ever going to put them back in I want the ability to do so in the editor. I miss poisoning water supplies and blowing up buildings with my spy Hell, I even miss the damn nuclear explosions the old spy could perform but I could live without that one, or at least put it in the editor so WE can decide for ourselves. I was thinking of an idea for a spy unit but don't think it would work the way I wanted. Do you think you can make a unit that is invisible like a sub but could perform "covert" bombing missions? The only way I can think of doing it is precision strikes. Probably wouldn't work but any way talk to you all later


    • #17
      add civs


      • #18
        Well, it does seem that someone DID misunderstand my intent. This top 5 list has NOTHING at all to do with trying to influence the outcome of the upcoming patch (though, as has been suggested by Sabrewolf, it might influence future patches) it is just an attempt to gauge other people's editor priorities, and what THEY hope will be in!
        Though nothing has been confirmed (yet), I know that pooling of the flags for improvements and Wonders (Great and Small) was touted by Mike as being high on their list of priorities. Mike and Co. have also NEVER ruled out an Events Scripting language for scenarios (a la Civ2), what he has ruled out is a more general scripting language (I understand there IS a difference!), which they believe is just a way to add bugs!
        As for everything else, though, all bets are off! At least til Wednesday



        • #19
          the readme's until 95% were like
          "fixed civilopedia entry for XXXX"
          "fixed animation for unit YYYY"

          it's the other 5% we're waiting for

          ok, in that case i'll add my 5 (civ-player-)editor wishes
          1) simple unit adding (civilopedia, animation, all automatically)
          2) simple improvement/wonder adding
          3) tech-tree designer (drag&drop, connect)
          4) separate magament of general, rules, units, civs, improvements. so i can combine map X with rulesmod Y and civs Z1, Z2, etc. (--> probably not solvable because it's a GUI-editor and not a text/binary-file editor )
          5) wizard for "Events Scripting language" (what you said in your last post
          - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
          - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


          • #20
            Personally, I look forward to:

            1) Mini map
            2) Placing starting locations
            3) Adding civs
            4) Add units
            5) Add buildings, wonders

            Wishfull thinking: Would like to be able to do leader graphics though ed, coz I'm not too bright with that kind of thing otherwise.

            BTW Trip & sabrewolf: re importing rules - isn't this possible already (in a somewhat roundabout way)? If you rename the rules set you want to civ3mod.bic then open the map & select default rules, then open rules again wouldn't they stick? Haven't tried, but it might be worth a shot.
            Semper ubi sub ubi


            • #21
              Originally posted by star mouse
              When I asked about this in the 1.17f chat, Mark B of Firaxis indicated that the minimap was in the to-do list. With the editor known to be enhanced for the latest patch, I think the mini-map for the editor is almost certain to be in this patch.
              I know, I talked to Mike earlier and he already confirmed that it would be in.

              That was just my list of most important things I wanted above all else (including things that are already included/confirmed).


              • #22
                Originally posted by SubLimey
                BTW Trip & sabrewolf: re importing rules - isn't this possible already (in a somewhat roundabout way)? If you rename the rules set you want to civ3mod.bic then open the map & select default rules, then open rules again wouldn't they stick? Haven't tried, but it might be worth a shot.
                yes, you can have a custom map with a rules-mod.

                but in the rules the units, improvements, civs, governements are included. if these were independent, you could make all kind of combination. until now you had to tweak every mod with your own preferences (e.g. corruption)
                - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


                • #23
                  Just in case anyone doesn't know you can use Gramphos's multi-tool to mix and match rules & maps from different bics. It works pretty good and is a quick download. I'd like "official" support for that too (and I think they said there is in PtW), but its not high on my wish list cause thanks to Gramphos it can already be done fairly easily.

                  If you need to find Gramphos's Multi-tool just look on the file's forum, there's a link to it in the topped file's index thread.


                  • #24
                    sublimey, are you really a manx? never talked to one before.

                    but to the topic, ive been waiting for something like scripting/events controlling for some time. i want to be able to make a scenario with at LEAST the ability to start off certain civs in alliance/war with each other.

                    but heres the top 5 for the editor

                    1, minimap (i cant stand this isnt in there already)
                    2, player start locations!!!!! christ how can we play earth maps when zulu are setting up base of opeations in london's turf!!!!????
                    3, easy addition of units. adding image files to a folder by hand i can deal with
                    4, better manipulatability (is that a word?) of the tech tree and its corresponding graphics in the game.
                    5, ability to add civs and govs and civ unique govs. for instance, rome had a republic when most of the mediterranean was believing kings were semi-divine. nazis, as germans, could hardly exist outside germany (which partially explains its stupidity)....but anyway, i always thought that would be cool. the only feasible way i saw to bring it out was maybe have some type of restricted tech that only a certain civ could get.....whatever.

                    thats my list and im stickin to it...i think
                    DEVM SVM
                    I cant think of anything else intelligent...except, check out my alternate history page:
                    Roma Invicta


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by wervdon
                      If you need to find Gramphos's Multi-tool just look on the file's forum, there's a link to it in the topped file's index thread.
                      I imagine the multi-tool will need rewritten once the patch comes out.
                      Seemingly Benign
                      Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain

