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What Top 5 things do you want to be able to do with the new editor?

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  • What Top 5 things do you want to be able to do with the new editor?

    Hi Guys,

    With the new patch coming out SOON!!! And with the main focus being on a more flexible editor!! (Yay!!) I was curious to know what Apolytoners most want to able to do with it (which they can't do with the current editor-hacked or unhacked!) For instance, my priorities would be:

    1) An events scripting language for scenarios.

    2) The ability to add unlimited new techs, units, resources etc, as well as being able to adjust the number of points needed for Culture Victory!

    3) The ability to mix and match flags from various types of buildings, as well as between buildings and units!

    4) An ability to create improvements or wonders which increase the Optimal number of cities for corruption purposes (as opposed to just the "Centre of Empire" flag).

    5) The ability to make subtle adjustments to existing unit and building flags. eg. for TMP, I'd like to change "Nukes for all Civs" to "Nukes for 1 Civ" or changing double happiness flag (for certain religious wonders) to double production or double commerce.

    Anyway, I hope you all understand my intent! If anyone has their own top 5 then I, for one, would love to hear about them!!


  • #2
    Adding new units without having to tweak and change the arts/units folders to prevent crashing. IT IS A PAIN to do so.

    Being able to turn off Culture Flipping.

    Adding new techs.

    Activating a cheat mode, or at least unit placement and controlling accelerated startups.

    Real scenarios.

    A lot of stuff Civ 2 had.


    • #3
      I would like to see the removal of hardcoded resource limits in the game. People have reported that if they have more than 8 resources of a given type, the game crashes. Although the game allows the resources.pcx file to have many resources in it, it doesn't allow you to use more than 24.

      I would love to add more Bonus resources to the game in particular. Oases in deserts, stone deposits in hills, that sort of thing. A custom resources.pcx file will be needed, but that shouldn't be a problem....
      None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?


      • #4
        1) Removal of all hard-coded limits

        2)The ability to place cities and units on the map in the editor


        4)the ability to add eras

        5)the ability to add new city graphics
        Up the Irons!
        Rogue CivIII FAQ!
        Odysseus and the March of Time
        I think holding hands can be more erotic than 'slamming it in the ass' - Pekka, thinking that he's messed up


        • #5
          1) Customizable Unit/City placement (duh).

          2) Embed graphics INTO the scenario, instead of using the external files.

          3) Mini Map!

          4) Being able to import a set of rules into a map, and vice-versa (copying rules from 1 map to the other manually is such a PAIN! ).

          5) More customization of combat/properties of units and buildings (won't happen).

          And a bonus... * Scripting/events (which won't happen either ).


          • #6
            1) Unique Improvements for civs
            2) Removing the distinction between improvement/wonder/small wonder flags so you can mix and max.
            3) Ability to add eras.
            4) AI scripting (simple stuff like Huns declare war Romans on turn 70)
            5) Flags to allow 2 bombard units to counter-bombard when bombarded. (Bombard back against land units, bombard back against air units, bombard back against sea units) Or another method to setup units which can shoot down planes which bombard them

            I didnt list unit placement, city placement, minimap etc cause as far as I know its been more or less confirmed for this patch So I just listed my wish list instead.


            • #7
              The thing I want most is to remove all harcoded limits and an events editor to make sure that in a scenario the two sides will stay at war with each other
              I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Trip
                3) Mini Map!
                When I asked about this in the 1.17f chat, Mark B of Firaxis indicated that the minimap was in the to-do list. With the editor known to be enhanced for the latest patch, I think the mini-map for the editor is almost certain to be in this patch.
                None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?


                • #9
                  I'm afraid most of you will be somewhat disappointed, then. Everything I've read leads me to believe it's basically the same editor as 1.21 with a mini-map, zoom, and the ability to add new stuff (units, governments, buildings, techs) and place units and cities.

                  While this is a big improvement, I've never read that there would be events (in fact, I believe I read in one of the chats that Mike B is against scripting) or any of the really radical ideas you guys are expecting/suggesting.
                  Last edited by WarpStorm; July 16, 2002, 08:22.
                  Seemingly Benign
                  Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


                  • #10
                    well, now that the editor is finished and coming out this week, there's no real point in saying, what you'd like in it... because either it is, or it isn't

                    maybe the thread should be changed into "what should be in the NEXT editor"

                    btw: firaxis: give us scripting and we'll make civ3 to the best an only-played TBG in the next 3 years and it would boost the sales for PTW incredibly!
                    - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                    - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


                    • #11
                      1) AI scripting (events)
                      2) Unique wonders/improvements for civs
                      3) Allow the addition of more CSAs (and the ability to edit existing CSAs)
                      4) Removing most hard-coded limits
                      5) Directly place cities and units on the world map
                      oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


                      • #12
                        1) To use the editor to add units, civs, buildings, wonders, small wonders without having to fiddle with the folders.

                        2) Some "Browse" buttons in the editor.

                        3) New Civ Abilities would be cool.

                        4) More culture flipping, just to p!ss Coracle off.

                        5) More bonus resources of course. Banannas, Oases!!


                        • #13
                          I'm afraid most of you will be somewhat disappointed, then.
                          Nah, I won't be disappointed, I just said what id like to see not what I really expect to see. I am semi-hoping to be pleasantly surprised about being able to do unique improvements/wonders though (at least in ptw)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by star mouse
                            I would like to see the removal of hardcoded resource limits in the game. People have reported that if they have more than 8 resources of a given type, the game crashes. Although the game allows the resources.pcx file to have many resources in it, it doesn't allow you to use more than 24.

                            I would love to add more Bonus resources to the game in particular. Oases in deserts, stone deposits in hills, that sort of thing. A custom resources.pcx file will be needed, but that shouldn't be a problem....
                            You're mistaken. Having more than 8 Luxuries can cause problems, but there's no limits for anything else. You can certainly have far more than 24 resources if you want, that's always been possible.

                            The problem used to be that you could only have 24 distinct icons in the game, anything more and the graphic wouldn't appear on the map, so you'd end up with an invisible resource. However, you could double or triple the same graphic all you wanted to. Some people for a strange reason, were able to get up to 82 icons, though that was an exception.

                            In the last patch though this was changed. I've heard that there is now a limit of 36 distinct icons possible, though looking at the readme, it sounds like there shouldn't be any limit. I haven't put it to the test myself, since for the time being at least, I'm happy with the number of resources I have.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by dunk

                              5) More bonus resources of course. Banannas, Oases!!
                              Create your own! I came across a decent Oasis graphic that I've added to my game, and there's a few Banana icons kicking around as well.

