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Civ Specific Abilities: Should We Turn 'em Off

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  • Civ Specific Abilities: Should We Turn 'em Off

    For the July Tourney, nbarkay removed the huts and turned off civ-specific abilities. The result was all civs started with zero tech. I really thought the early flow of the game was radically improved by this setup, as it took time to get tech off the ground. Nathan's suggested setup might make life more livable on Deity, as well.

    Am I generalizing from one observation, or do others have experience with no huts and civ-specific abilities turned off that also points to a better game flow??
    Illegitimi Non Carborundum

  • #2
    Hmmm. I forget, can you choose what techs each civ starts with in the editor?

    If so, then you can select "no techs" for everyone and you can still play with the civ specific attributes.


    • #3
      I like the way each civ is distinguished from each other. If you turn the civ specific attributes off, then all that seperates the civs from each other is there name and colour

