Note: This has been declared a free zone due to the increased chance of its occourance.
Why did Firaxis not use MENU.TXT as its normal menu? It would have been so much better, but they chose not to. Menu.txt is in the TEXT folder.
Obviously things from here were programmed for it, because all you have to do is look at it: Science advisor? Wonders of the World? That would be Labrotory Status and Secret Projects respectively. Obviously some things were not completed (drone riots? although if you look in either the strategy guide or the instruction manual, you can find a picture of a city in disorder.....with that red face next to it?)
Why did they abandon this? I personally would have loved it. It would have opened options for a more powerful scenario editor. Obviously Civ3 was based on AC, so why overhaul the scenario editor and replace it with Civ3Edit, a much less powerful version?
It just doesnt make any sense to me.
Sorry if this has already been asked, but I didnt see the thread. So sue me.
Why did Firaxis not use MENU.TXT as its normal menu? It would have been so much better, but they chose not to. Menu.txt is in the TEXT folder.
; menu.txt
Switch To Detailed &Menus|F11
Switch To Simple &Menus|F11
&Warning Preferences...|Ctrl+W
&Advanced Preferences...|Ctrl+O
&Automation Preferences...|Ctrl+A
&Audio/Visual Preferences...|Ctrl+I
&Map Display Preferences...|Ctrl+M
&Save Game...|Ctrl+S
&Load Game...|Ctrl+L
Start New &Game|Ctrl+Shift+Q
&Voice Transmission|Hold \ Key
Customize Your Faction|+
Alter &Time Controls|Shift+T
Zoom to Base Messages|*
End Turn|Ctrl+ENTER
Resume Turn|Ctrl+ENTER
Change Research Goal...|Shift+R
Design &Workshop...|U
Science Advisor...|F2
Economic Advisor...|F3
Interior Minister...|F4
Wonders of the World...|F5
Space Advisor...|F6
Defense Minister...|F7
Civilization III Score...|F8
View Palace...|F9
View Hall of Fame...|F10
Review Scenario Objectives|=
Mo&ve units|V
&View map|V
Toggle flattened terrain|Ctrl+Shift+X
Toggle map &grid|Ctrl+G
Toggle &base grid|Ctrl+Shift+G
Show autoforward routes|Ctrl+Shift+B
Terrain Sur&vey
&Center screen|C
&Build City...|B
Join City|B
Disband Unit|Shift+D
Automate Unit|Shift+A
&Explore Automatically|/
&Activate (Move Now)|A
&Wait (Move Later)|W
&Unload Transport|Shift+U
Upgrade Unit|Ctrl+U
Skip Turn|Space
Activate Scenario Editor|Ctrl+K
Omniscient View|Y
Create Unit...|Shift+F1
Edit Unit...|Ctrl+Shift+F1
Technological Breakthrough|Shift+F2
Edit Technology...|Ctrl+F2
Set Difficulty Level...|Ctrl+Shift+F3
Set Energy Reserves...|Shift+F4
Set Mission Year...|Shift+F5
Eliminate Faction...|Shift+F6
Reload Faction|Ctrl+Shift+F6
View Replay...|Shift+F7
View Movies...|Shift+F8
Reset Technology|Ctrl+F8
Reset All Factions|Ctrl+Shift+F8
Edit Faction Diplomacy|Shift+F9
Edit Custom Rules|Shift+F10
Edit Scenario Rules|Shift+F11
Edit Scenario Parameters|Shift+F12
Edit Scenario Victory|Ctrl+Shift+F12
Load Scenario|Ctrl+Shift+F7
Save Scenario|Ctrl+F7
Save Map|Ctrl+F5
Load Map|Ctrl+Shift+F5
Place Elevations|1
Place Rocky Squares|2
Place River Sources|3
Place Special Resources|4
Place Unity Pods|5
Place Terrain Enhancements|6
Cover/Uncover Map Squares
Place Minor Landmark Squares
Place At Cursor|Ctrl+Left (+Shift paints)
Remove At Cursor|Ctrl+Right (+Shift paints)
Paint & Editor Only Mode|SCROLL LOCK
Change Brush Size|7
Toggle Round/Flat Map
Set Climate And World Parameters|8
(Slow) Generate Random Map|9
(Fast) Generate Random Map|0
Generate/Remove Fungus
Randomize Rockiness
Randomize Resources & Beacons
Toggle Random Resources & Beacons
Clear Map (All Ocean) and Set Size
Apply Polar Caps
Clear Terrain Enhancements
Toggle "Editor Only" Mode|Ctrl+Shift+F10
General Concepts
Advanced Concepts
Base Buildings
Social Engineering
Basic Unit Types
Chassis Types
Weapon Types
Defense Types
Reactor Types
Special Abilities
Interface Tour
Terraforming Tour
Base Control Tour
Social Engineering Tour
Design Workshop Tour
Drone Riot Details
About Civilization III|Ctrl+Shift+F4
Show Version Number|Ctrl+F4
# ; This line must remain at end of file
; menu.txt
Switch To Detailed &Menus|F11
Switch To Simple &Menus|F11
&Warning Preferences...|Ctrl+W
&Advanced Preferences...|Ctrl+O
&Automation Preferences...|Ctrl+A
&Audio/Visual Preferences...|Ctrl+I
&Map Display Preferences...|Ctrl+M
&Save Game...|Ctrl+S
&Load Game...|Ctrl+L
Start New &Game|Ctrl+Shift+Q
&Voice Transmission|Hold \ Key
Customize Your Faction|+
Alter &Time Controls|Shift+T
Zoom to Base Messages|*
End Turn|Ctrl+ENTER
Resume Turn|Ctrl+ENTER
Change Research Goal...|Shift+R
Design &Workshop...|U
Science Advisor...|F2
Economic Advisor...|F3
Interior Minister...|F4
Wonders of the World...|F5
Space Advisor...|F6
Defense Minister...|F7
Civilization III Score...|F8
View Palace...|F9
View Hall of Fame...|F10
Review Scenario Objectives|=
Mo&ve units|V
&View map|V
Toggle flattened terrain|Ctrl+Shift+X
Toggle map &grid|Ctrl+G
Toggle &base grid|Ctrl+Shift+G
Show autoforward routes|Ctrl+Shift+B
Terrain Sur&vey
&Center screen|C
&Build City...|B
Join City|B
Disband Unit|Shift+D
Automate Unit|Shift+A
&Explore Automatically|/
&Activate (Move Now)|A
&Wait (Move Later)|W
&Unload Transport|Shift+U
Upgrade Unit|Ctrl+U
Skip Turn|Space
Activate Scenario Editor|Ctrl+K
Omniscient View|Y
Create Unit...|Shift+F1
Edit Unit...|Ctrl+Shift+F1
Technological Breakthrough|Shift+F2
Edit Technology...|Ctrl+F2
Set Difficulty Level...|Ctrl+Shift+F3
Set Energy Reserves...|Shift+F4
Set Mission Year...|Shift+F5
Eliminate Faction...|Shift+F6
Reload Faction|Ctrl+Shift+F6
View Replay...|Shift+F7
View Movies...|Shift+F8
Reset Technology|Ctrl+F8
Reset All Factions|Ctrl+Shift+F8
Edit Faction Diplomacy|Shift+F9
Edit Custom Rules|Shift+F10
Edit Scenario Rules|Shift+F11
Edit Scenario Parameters|Shift+F12
Edit Scenario Victory|Ctrl+Shift+F12
Load Scenario|Ctrl+Shift+F7
Save Scenario|Ctrl+F7
Save Map|Ctrl+F5
Load Map|Ctrl+Shift+F5
Place Elevations|1
Place Rocky Squares|2
Place River Sources|3
Place Special Resources|4
Place Unity Pods|5
Place Terrain Enhancements|6
Cover/Uncover Map Squares
Place Minor Landmark Squares
Place At Cursor|Ctrl+Left (+Shift paints)
Remove At Cursor|Ctrl+Right (+Shift paints)
Paint & Editor Only Mode|SCROLL LOCK
Change Brush Size|7
Toggle Round/Flat Map
Set Climate And World Parameters|8
(Slow) Generate Random Map|9
(Fast) Generate Random Map|0
Generate/Remove Fungus
Randomize Rockiness
Randomize Resources & Beacons
Toggle Random Resources & Beacons
Clear Map (All Ocean) and Set Size
Apply Polar Caps
Clear Terrain Enhancements
Toggle "Editor Only" Mode|Ctrl+Shift+F10
General Concepts
Advanced Concepts
Base Buildings
Social Engineering
Basic Unit Types
Chassis Types
Weapon Types
Defense Types
Reactor Types
Special Abilities
Interface Tour
Terraforming Tour
Base Control Tour
Social Engineering Tour
Design Workshop Tour
Drone Riot Details
About Civilization III|Ctrl+Shift+F4
Show Version Number|Ctrl+F4
# ; This line must remain at end of file
Why did they abandon this? I personally would have loved it. It would have opened options for a more powerful scenario editor. Obviously Civ3 was based on AC, so why overhaul the scenario editor and replace it with Civ3Edit, a much less powerful version?
It just doesnt make any sense to me.
Sorry if this has already been asked, but I didnt see the thread. So sue me.