Originally posted by dunk999
I think it's fine the way it is. No need to change it. I would, however, like to not see swordsmen in my build options in 1945. They should become obsolete with riflemen (a land unit with higher attack). Same with longbowmen. Obviously, if these units are the only ones I can build, by all means, I want them in there. But I don't want my Domestic Advisor suggesting I build swordsmen after I complete the Interplanetary Party Lounge.
I think it's fine the way it is. No need to change it. I would, however, like to not see swordsmen in my build options in 1945. They should become obsolete with riflemen (a land unit with higher attack). Same with longbowmen. Obviously, if these units are the only ones I can build, by all means, I want them in there. But I don't want my Domestic Advisor suggesting I build swordsmen after I complete the Interplanetary Party Lounge.

I do think that as it is now, it is great in terms of the game balance. A unit of longbowmen can occasionaly toast a unit of tanks. But an army of longbowmen has absolutely no chance against an army of tanks. And that is the point.
Besides, consider the fact that longbowmen have even a higher attack value than riflemen... and you would probably not feel outraged seeing a bunch of characters armed with rifles eliminating a small group of tanks (remember that the first tanks as seen in WW1 were something completely different from the tanks in WW2! Civ3 does not distinguish between WW1 tanks and WW2 tanks - even a bunch of longbowmen would be able to obliterate a unit of WW1 tanks as those machine were highly unreliable and had various technical issues that were seriously limiting their use as a fighting weapon).
OTOH, I do support the idea of changing the graphics (like what happens to workers) and maybe even names of "obsolete" units in such a way that they retain their ADM values, but bear more realistic names. That would do absolutely nothing to the game balance, while enhancing the feeling of realism in the game.