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What ever happened to Embasy reports?

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  • What ever happened to Embasy reports?

    What ever happened to embasy reports? What I mean is they type of info you got from your embasy in civ II. For instance, "The Germans have captured the French city of Paris". Or, "The Egyptians have discovered the science of Engineering".

    I found those reports extremely useful and interesting, and they added realism and continuity to the game. The only thing I hear now is, "The rampaging Zulus have destroyed the Indians" or some such.

    Is there a check-box or option somewhere I don't have selected, or is it just something for us to wish to have back in a future patch/Civ IV?


  • #2
    You also get the "so-and-so has started building X wonder" reports, as long as you have that option on.

    As for the CivII stuff, nope, no option for that. That's wishlist stuff at best.

    grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

    The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


    • #3
      Will there be intelligence reports in PTW?

      It would be so bad if you had to speak to other players to find out what stuff they have.
      Are we having fun yet?


      • #4
        Yeah, it's so annoying to have to scroll around the entire world map every turn to see what cities still belong to what civs. Or to have to speak to every one of 15 civs to determine if someone has discovered a new tech. The embasy should be reporting that!!! Of course with all the tech-whoring (copyright Venger) you usually only have to talk to one of the 15 civs, because they've all already traded it to each other for 1 gp. But I still want it reported...that's what the stupid embasy is for!


        • #5
          I also miss being able to look at reports before going into negotiations, I can't think of one good reason for taking them out.


          • #6
            Speaking of reports, I want a combat tally report. Units we've destroyed and our units destroyed, cross referenced by civ and unit type.


            • #7
              Yeah Carver, exactly. Some of the really cool details that made Civ II add up to such a great gaming experience have been axed from Civ III for no good reason. I used to love to look at those military reports and see how many barbarians, Russians, Egyptians, etc. my army had killed. Now all we get is "captured workers". Yawn.

              It's the little details that cumulatively add up and take a game from being cool to super-cool. Civ III has dropped too many of them: Embasy reports, military casualties, wonder movies, talking advisors, etc, etc.


