Originally posted by W4r_Machine
AI has very little to do with graphics. I don't even think there's ever a game producer that released its AI coding, game engine(i.e. quake 3) yes, but not AI.
AI has very little to do with graphics. I don't even think there's ever a game producer that released its AI coding, game engine(i.e. quake 3) yes, but not AI.
However, in Civ III graphics are editable, and rules are not, as they are compiled into the .exe, while graphics are built at initiation of the program. I don't dispute that. I was just pointing out that for some it is easy to make decent graphics, while others (maybe a smaller group) are more able to tinker with the AI. I know I suck at graphics, while I work in AI (so I should be able to understand that)
Originally posted by AlrightyThen
The type of AI you seek does not exist. Before you see it in games, look for it in 'real-life' military hardware, then consumer products, and even then we're talking autos, PC's, etc.
The type of AI you seek does not exist. Before you see it in games, look for it in 'real-life' military hardware, then consumer products, and even then we're talking autos, PC's, etc.
People think that the field of AI is very new, but the type of AI used in games is basically the same as when Marvin Minsky was researching himself, instead of only describing other's research. It hasn't changed, apart from a new methodology and new accents, for the better part of 30 years. The reason why game AIs are progressing is that computing power has augmented drastically, and certain libraries of known algorithms are kept: you don't have to invent the weel over and over again when you want to build an AI.
There are some new techniques, but they are under-used in real systems, and remain largely a research topic. With that I'm referring to agents, certain types of neural nets (SVM, SOM), and the shift to understanding human knowledge true knowledge management instead of trying to mimick that with 'dumb' rules. These, however, have no application in games.