Originally posted by DeepO
. . .The suggestion that Firaxis should look at how vet players are winning might be a little late, I'm quite positive that many of the added AI routines resulted from looking at these boards. . .
Final remark to Coracle: it is very obvious that you don't know sh!t when it comes to AI. If you think a learning system is easily programmed, think again. . .
. . .The suggestion that Firaxis should look at how vet players are winning might be a little late, I'm quite positive that many of the added AI routines resulted from looking at these boards. . .
Final remark to Coracle: it is very obvious that you don't know sh!t when it comes to AI. If you think a learning system is easily programmed, think again. . .
First, I'm glad you've admitted that Firaxis had to learn how screwed up their game was some months ago (and still is to a lesser extent) by reading the complaints and other valid and correct criticisms on the forums - comments posted by various forumers who were instantly vilified by the assortment of Firaxis flacks, sycophants, and hired shills trying to pump up the game. Although one might claim Firaxis KNEW how screwed up it was and just rushed Civ 3 to the Holiday season market anyway. But we the consumers didn't let them get away with handing us a $50 BETA game.
Your vulgar comments about me you can go stick where the moon don't shine. As far as I'm concerned, you've been an insulting arrogant Firaxis sycophant for a long time. But I well know that personally attacking critics of Firaxis is permitted here.
As for the AI, if this is the BEST they - Soren - can do in 2001 I am deeply disappointed. I find it hard to belive that the current state of AI development has reached it zenith with Civ 3 - a very predictable, easily fooled, cheating AI that does numerous strange and illogical things, both Militarily and Diplomatically.
I recall no one getting exorcised about the Civ 2 AI. Sure, we complained about battleships in lakes (Civ 3 still does that; I've seen it) and other things, but it was far better than Civ 1 and it was enjoyable - instead of irritating. The Civ 2 cheating was up front: you go up in difficulty level the combat percentages change.
But with Civ 3 I feel like I'm playing against someone with an IQ of 70 with an evil streak.
This is a thread about the AI. But for the record the AI is not my biggest complaint about Civ 3. Certain omissions of crucial game features, and the addition of bizarre unrealistic concepts, are my main complaints.