Thought I try this just to see how it would work. I changed the scout to be an American only unit. Gave it both an offensive and defensive capability and about 20 movement so I could scope out an entire continent in about 5-6 turns. Now here is the fun part. After running through the native villages and acquiring about 10 techs in the space of 6 turns I find out from the great book that I am third most advanced civilization in the world. As the game progresses there are still civilizations with advances I don't have even though my resources are all going into science and I am getting them in the 4-8 turn range. Early in the game there can't be tech trading among the civs since no one except I have explored that far yet. Later game I'm just pounding on the science.
I just love when the game adjusts. You try and cheat and it gets you nowhere.
I just love when the game adjusts. You try and cheat and it gets you nowhere.
