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Your a taskmaster we won't grow?

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  • Your a taskmaster we won't grow?

    OK I need to float another question.

    what do I need to do to get my cities to grow once they have ceased growing.

    i.e. The city is perfectly healthy, happy people and anaquaduct in place or river. but yet several cities just stop growing at 5 and 6 or 7
    seconed question is apperantly I pop-rushed a city so bad that it has been in disorder for hundreds of years at a 1 and that one pop is pissed at my (opression I have bore down) even though I am in a new govt.! if that one pop won't work the tile how can it grow. I have garrisoned a unit or 2 their since the begining.

    Does the position of the city have an affect, this one particular city is in a flood plain on a river with several bonus food tiles adjacent.?

  • #2
    Unhappy people do work, resister's dont. Unless the city is in disorder, everyone except resisters and specialists works.

    Well, those cities may just not have the food for more growth. If you count 2 food to support each citizen, then if you got a size 7 city working tiles providing 14 food, it won't grow anymore. Build rails, irrigate, move worked tiles.
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • #3
      Re: Your a taskmaster we won't grow?

      Originally posted by IRON_BRIGADE
      I have garrisoned a unit or 2 their since the begining.
      Does the position of the city have an affect, this one particular city is in a flood plain on a river with several bonus food tiles adjacent.?
      Garrisoned units only produce happyness in despotism (2 per city), monarchy (3) or communism (4). So if you have a republic or democracy, that won't increase happyness.
      Try to get luxury resources and build market places or other improvements that help happyness instead. Or increase the entertainment slider in your domestic advisor screen (if you have enough money).

      If the city is built on a flood plain or is surrounded by flood plains (or jungle) citizens might die from disease, but you should get a small pop-up when that happens.

      For the rest, Solver's answers already apply.

