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Mutual Pact of Aggression

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  • Mutual Pact of Aggression

    At what point can I access this option.

    i.e In the game I am currently playing the romans establiched an embassy in my cap city, now why can't I establish one in theirs? (I have the req'd techs for these things) I can put one in any other civ city but the romans.
    The only agrement they I can get with any civ is an alliance. Civ vs Civ (pic one).

    So how do i get an embassy in the roman capital?
    and when does the Mutual Pact option come about?

  • #2
    An embassy is mutual : when the Romans install an embassy in your capital, you have an embassy in their capital too. The one thing you lose is the report on their capital.
    You should be able to agree on agressive alliances and right of passages ith the Romans now.
    You'll be able to make MMPs only when you or your partner (or both) will have nationalism.
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