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  • Leaders

    In the unscheduled chat (which I MISSED %@%#$%@$), Jeff asked for a thread on alternate uses of the Leaders that have been developed in Regicide. I'm putting it here rather than in the PTW forum, cause I think there could be cool implentations in the regular game.

    Unlike previous discussions, I don't think the issue is about GL creation, either through combat or otherwise.

    These are Monarchs, or better.

    1st question: In a regular game, how would you introduce them? As an option in set-up? Or you just automatically get one? Or do you have to "create" them in some way?

    Here's a quote from skywalker:

    "Industrial: Received through high production or something similar. Can rush-build. There should probably be a limit to the number of sheilds it gives, so as not to be unbalancing.

    Scientific: Received through high science or lots of science buildings or something similar. Can rush a tech.

    Religious: Received through high culture or lots of religious buildings or something similar. Can create a "Renaissance" during which you get lots of culture.

    Expansionistic: Received through lots of exploration or something. Can go exploring and reveal a large, unknown portion of the map.

    Commercial: Received through lots of trade routes (see the Naval Combat Suggestions thread). Can make a city a "trade magnet" so that trade routes try to go through it (within reason). Again, see the naval suggestions thread."

    He was talking about non-militaristic ways of GL creation, but it could apply here too. Maybe tied to civ traits.

    2nd question: What do they do?

    I bet there are a million great ideas for this. How about:

    * Limit local corruption
    * Increase local production, commerce, culture, etc.
    * Increase combat odds
    * Quell resistance
    * Force the enemy to meet with you
    * Improve trading results

    I have no idea how... just an idea that it could be cool to have a roving special tool.

    It would also be cool to maintain the possibility of regicide, even in regular play... have the greatest benefits be at the front, in such a way that you have to put your Monarch at risk.

    The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

    Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.