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Tech Race

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  • Tech Race

    Hi all,

    I'm kind of new to the Civ games and was wondering how different players dealt with the tech race. I usually keep my tech funds at 80% and do fine but I ran into a problem with a higher level game. I turned the funding up to 100% and made a beeline right for the great library. The problem was that one of the AI civs beat me to it anyway . I also tried to buy techs and sell them to the other civs but it seemed that they all always had what I bought. I have to say that game was a dismal failure. I would like to hear your failures and successes with racing the AI and trading techs.

    "Leave the gun... Take the cannoli" Clemenza

  • #2
    Forget the Great Library, build the Colossus instead if you can. Set your science rate at 0% and buy all the advances, OR always pick the advance that comes fastest (because all others already have it).
    A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
    Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


    • #3
      I understand about the colossus and upping your commerce to pay for techs but wont building the library save you a lot of $$ since you get the techs for free when two others have it?
      I was planning on riding the coat tails of the others civ's scientists till the modern era while concentrating on commerce and then upping the tech funds to 100 to try to race ahead to nukes, spaceship etc... I'm still experimenting. Has this worked for anyone else? Like I said, in my first higher level game it failed dismally.

      "Leave the gun... Take the cannoli" Clemenza


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mauritania
        I understand about the colossus and upping your commerce to pay for techs but wont building the library save you a lot of $$ since you get the techs for free when two others have it?
        I was planning on riding the coat tails of the others civ's scientists till the modern era while concentrating on commerce and then upping the tech funds to 100 to try to race ahead to nukes, spaceship etc... I'm still experimenting. Has this worked for anyone else? Like I said, in my first higher level game it failed dismally.

        Well, as long as you a.) are able to build it first and b.) know at least two other civs, it can help you somewhat. And providing the civs you know are sufficently advanced, also.

        What level were you playing on?
        You're a man- you can be replaced.


        • #5
          Most players research iron, wheel, and horseback riding asap. Then reduce research to near zero, or even all the way to zero. Tool up on military. Attack. Win, but don't eliminate a civ. Demand tech in tribute. Repeat. The gold hoard from low research may be necessary to bribe someone into an alliance -- but you have to have writing. That's why I keep research at a low but positive rate after horseback riding. ut you could also trade for writing. My experience suggests that European civs get the Library. Pay attention to who gets it and make them a priority to attack if nearby. Capturing the Library is one of the best experiences a Civ game offers -- especially if you do it as a very backward Civ. You get a rain of tech. Lovely.
          Illegitimi Non Carborundum


          • #6
            The GL becomes defunct with the education advance. Those coattails only go so far.


            • #7
              It all depends on the level of play, and your style of play.

              -If you play on Regent or Monarch, the two levels I have played the most, and are a "builder" style player, the Great Library can be very useful. Free tech until Education.
              -If you play on Chieftain or Warlord, you're gonna outresearch the AI anyway, since the AI operates under penalties on those levels.
              -If you play Regent or Monarch and like to warmonger, the GL isn't worth it - build units instead and beat tech out of your neighbors. If you get a few great leaders, you may rush the GL just to keep it out of the AI's hands, but it's low on the priority list.
              -If you play above Monarch and don't warmonger, which means no great leaders, you have no chance of building the GL.

              I play on Monarch, and I warmonger in ancient times. The only ancient wonder I will actually build myself is the Colossus, since it's small and gives you a nice commerce boost (I play on standard size maps, where the Colossus is quite nice to have. Not so much on large/huge maps). Any other ancient wonders I either capture or rush w/leaders. Tech rate starts at 50%, then down to 10%, or even 0% w/1 scientist, for a while to save cash for a massive troop upgrade, then stay at 10% while beating the hell out of a few civs (why research things they are gonna give me the tech?). Then, once I hit the Middle Ages, I will go republic and pump up the science rate as high as I can afford it. From that point out, I want to lead the world in tech.

              grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

              The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


              • #8
                Re: Tech Race

                Originally posted by Mauritania
                Hi all,

                I'm kind of new to the Civ games and was wondering how different players dealt with the tech race. I usually keep my tech funds at 80% and do fine but I ran into a problem with a higher level game. I turned the funding up to 100% and made a beeline right for the great library. The problem was that one of the AI civs beat me to it anyway . I also tried to buy techs and sell them to the other civs but it seemed that they all always had what I bought. I have to say that game was a dismal failure. I would like to hear your failures and successes with racing the AI and trading techs.

                hi ,

                can you post a SAV(e) , ......

                have a nice day
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