I'm sort of attracted to the economic data in Civ games. I noticed that in Civ 3 and in Civ 2, the GNP figures doesn't seem to reflect what it would be like in the real world.
I know I know. This is just a game, and trust me, I'm one of the biggest advocates of that argument, but this is also just a statistic. Making it reflect the mammoth GNP of a superpower like the US should be easy, right?
Below, I've attached a pic from a Civ 3 game I'm currently dominated. Economic data are highlighted. Note that I'm the world's foremost industrial power. I'm in the modern age.
My population is 27,800,000 (approx)
My GNP is listed as 1,652 Million or in other words 1,652,000,000 To use North Americans that translated only into 1.65 BILLION or 1,652 Million to the Brits.
Canada's GNP is around 800 Billion US Dollars and it has a slightly larger population than my own Civ. In Civ II, there was the same result. I once played a game I've already won and milked it for all it was worth. Building a whopping 250,000,000 population. Almost the size of the US population. And my GNP was up at around 5 or 6 Billion
Couldn't Firaxis just add 3 extra zeros? That would push the figures closer to what I'd expect to see a superpower gross. My 1.65 billion in GNP will become 1.65 Trillion.
Any insights? comments? insults?
I know I know. This is just a game, and trust me, I'm one of the biggest advocates of that argument, but this is also just a statistic. Making it reflect the mammoth GNP of a superpower like the US should be easy, right?
Below, I've attached a pic from a Civ 3 game I'm currently dominated. Economic data are highlighted. Note that I'm the world's foremost industrial power. I'm in the modern age.
My population is 27,800,000 (approx)
My GNP is listed as 1,652 Million or in other words 1,652,000,000 To use North Americans that translated only into 1.65 BILLION or 1,652 Million to the Brits.
Canada's GNP is around 800 Billion US Dollars and it has a slightly larger population than my own Civ. In Civ II, there was the same result. I once played a game I've already won and milked it for all it was worth. Building a whopping 250,000,000 population. Almost the size of the US population. And my GNP was up at around 5 or 6 Billion

Any insights? comments? insults?