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Human/AI equality

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  • #31
    I have a suggestion for the UN for multiplayer. Force players to vote for one of the active candidates. Do not allow chat room jury rigging to make sure it is a tie. Players may abstain by paying a large sum, say 1000 gold (this may need adjustment), that is split between the two or three active candidates. If they do not have the 1000 gold the player must vote, not abstain.

    Up the abstain penalty to 2000 gold for the second vote and so on. Space race should decide things before too many votes. This gold penalty is easy enough to put in, just have all players agree and be aware of this rule when playing the game. This makes the UN useful without being a sure way to end the game.


    • #32
      The UN vote should work exactly like SMAC. Period. I always turn it off now.
      The art of mastering:"la Maîtrise des caprices du subconscient avant tout".

