Greetings Civites,
I, a diety (win by being more advanced) player of CIV II, held off buying CIV III for awhile waiting for reviews and what not, since it would be hard to improve CIV II and I played Sid's other bomb: Alpha Cent.
Well a guy at work who never played CIV I or II, kept going on and on about it. So CIVite that I am, said ok, I will buy it.
First day, started at Monarch level.....lost poorly in a few turns.
OK, Regent level, since alot has changed in game terms. LOST LOST LOST LOST LOST (got to industrial age twice).....shelved game to wait for PATCHES, wondering if any BETA testers are ever listened to?
Okay, downloaded last patch: Currently on brink of Modern Age at Regent level
going to lose very soon. I own all wonders except War Acamdey, Pyramids, and Spakespears' thing.
1) CIV III in the top 20 best selling games???? I don't take much heed of that list since Roller Coaster Tycoon is also on list and has not been supported for what 2 years? (Great Game BTW)
2) Does choosing a land mass/climate/age ever have a effect? I have NEVER gotten small islands, always continents.
3) Someone needs to work on the starting location deciding macro. I usually have to restart the game 10 times before I can start because I am starting in a mountain chain or middle of the desert. THEN restart again after exploring abit to find I am in the middle of HELL!
4) Why does the AI have to always start me with neighbors? I am down to 6 civs and I still get a neighbor 9 outa 10 times on HUGE maps. I should try only two civs on a huge map and see.
5) POLLUTION, nothing like needing a army of workers (usually 30). Sanitation should DO SOMETHING. All cities are above 20, might be my problem since I removed ALL but the city's two shields and I still had over 6 pollution value.
6) Does Hover Dam work? Did not help pollution one bit. I was already in high pollution range in most cities so building a factory was NOT a option.
SIDE NOTE: I did build a factory in a 4 shield city and when it increased the production it caused pollution. SO I destroyed factory and pollution level stayed????????? I have a 4 shield city making pollution now...sigh
7) DEMOCRACY: I "trick" that I use when I am aways ahead of everyone else in advancements is the trade them Democracy (usually get alot of GOOD stuff for it also). Since under democracy it is hard to support a army and go to war.
WELL, currently my whole world is a democracy and a war broke out. FIFTY+ (50+) troops came waltzing to my door the next turn after the war broke out. I am not a "Military" player so I don't know if I could have supported that army, but I know I would not be very advanced as the other players are. My spy network has their army over 150 units under democracy?????? PLus I try and trade with each CIV every few turns to make sure that no one is building a sizable coffer.....all civs were below 200 "gold" most of the time.
8) WAR WEARINESS: I joined the war 2 turns AFTER it started. My cities became VERY upset first. FORGOT TO MENTION, that I have WOMEN'S SUFFAGE wonder!!!!!!and pretty much ALL other wonders. Yes, 5 turns after war started and 3 turns after I joined the war, my people are upset.
9) Planes, USELESS. Need to fiddle with settings definitely. (The USofA is being defended by airplanes...someone most have hated the Air Force when he coded the planes) (CIV I and CIV II city defense: one highest defense ground unit, one or two fighters in each city)
10) HE SUNK MY BATTLESHIP: Ironclads sinking battleships...nuff said. (At least there are no Phanax to sink them :P ) I have lost two battleships so far to ironclads. Bombarment is USELESS, I believe only got to try it once against a city. (Fiddle required again, most likely) Ships can only attack ONE target per turn???? Come on, the Bismarck sunk dozens of ships per attack. One battleship should be enough to stop a convey of transports from deliving their cargo on my shores. Need to increase number of attacks to 6 again.
11) DESERTS/TUNDRA: no way to turn them into something useful????? Bring back engineers!
12) NO Irrigation of hills......China is going to be pissed when the CIV gods come a knocking.
13) Culture Flipping: I am okay with this because I am usually the most advanced CIV and their cities become mine.
14) ESPIONAGE: still up in the air on this one.....liked the spys/dipolmats
15) RESOURCES: Yipes! This was a good/bad added feature. You can see why our planet is always at war. STILL VERY BAD, that all AI civs can see ALL resources before they discover them. You can use this sorta to your advantage....if you see a town in the middle of the dersert or tundra, good chance a resource is going to appear.....subvert or kill them....hehe. But still a very unfair advantage. Can not be that hard to code a flag in that says can be seen or not.
16) Walls against bombardment. There is a reason why the Great Wall is useless after the discovery of gunpower, namely a 14" shell does not stop when it goes though a wall. Walls should have NO defense against bombardment and ESPECIALLY against Airplanes...sheesh.
Well back to my 6 tanks against 50+ riflemen (wish I was playing CIV II, one tank can kill all 50 in a stack - NOW there was something very stupid about the previous CIVs)
Peace and Love Beads........BAM!!!!! Ah, peace and quiet
I, a diety (win by being more advanced) player of CIV II, held off buying CIV III for awhile waiting for reviews and what not, since it would be hard to improve CIV II and I played Sid's other bomb: Alpha Cent.
Well a guy at work who never played CIV I or II, kept going on and on about it. So CIVite that I am, said ok, I will buy it.
First day, started at Monarch level.....lost poorly in a few turns.
OK, Regent level, since alot has changed in game terms. LOST LOST LOST LOST LOST (got to industrial age twice).....shelved game to wait for PATCHES, wondering if any BETA testers are ever listened to?
Okay, downloaded last patch: Currently on brink of Modern Age at Regent level

1) CIV III in the top 20 best selling games???? I don't take much heed of that list since Roller Coaster Tycoon is also on list and has not been supported for what 2 years? (Great Game BTW)
2) Does choosing a land mass/climate/age ever have a effect? I have NEVER gotten small islands, always continents.
3) Someone needs to work on the starting location deciding macro. I usually have to restart the game 10 times before I can start because I am starting in a mountain chain or middle of the desert. THEN restart again after exploring abit to find I am in the middle of HELL!
4) Why does the AI have to always start me with neighbors? I am down to 6 civs and I still get a neighbor 9 outa 10 times on HUGE maps. I should try only two civs on a huge map and see.
5) POLLUTION, nothing like needing a army of workers (usually 30). Sanitation should DO SOMETHING. All cities are above 20, might be my problem since I removed ALL but the city's two shields and I still had over 6 pollution value.
6) Does Hover Dam work? Did not help pollution one bit. I was already in high pollution range in most cities so building a factory was NOT a option.
SIDE NOTE: I did build a factory in a 4 shield city and when it increased the production it caused pollution. SO I destroyed factory and pollution level stayed????????? I have a 4 shield city making pollution now...sigh

7) DEMOCRACY: I "trick" that I use when I am aways ahead of everyone else in advancements is the trade them Democracy (usually get alot of GOOD stuff for it also). Since under democracy it is hard to support a army and go to war.
WELL, currently my whole world is a democracy and a war broke out. FIFTY+ (50+) troops came waltzing to my door the next turn after the war broke out. I am not a "Military" player so I don't know if I could have supported that army, but I know I would not be very advanced as the other players are. My spy network has their army over 150 units under democracy?????? PLus I try and trade with each CIV every few turns to make sure that no one is building a sizable coffer.....all civs were below 200 "gold" most of the time.
8) WAR WEARINESS: I joined the war 2 turns AFTER it started. My cities became VERY upset first. FORGOT TO MENTION, that I have WOMEN'S SUFFAGE wonder!!!!!!and pretty much ALL other wonders. Yes, 5 turns after war started and 3 turns after I joined the war, my people are upset.
9) Planes, USELESS. Need to fiddle with settings definitely. (The USofA is being defended by airplanes...someone most have hated the Air Force when he coded the planes) (CIV I and CIV II city defense: one highest defense ground unit, one or two fighters in each city)
10) HE SUNK MY BATTLESHIP: Ironclads sinking battleships...nuff said. (At least there are no Phanax to sink them :P ) I have lost two battleships so far to ironclads. Bombarment is USELESS, I believe only got to try it once against a city. (Fiddle required again, most likely) Ships can only attack ONE target per turn???? Come on, the Bismarck sunk dozens of ships per attack. One battleship should be enough to stop a convey of transports from deliving their cargo on my shores. Need to increase number of attacks to 6 again.
11) DESERTS/TUNDRA: no way to turn them into something useful????? Bring back engineers!
12) NO Irrigation of hills......China is going to be pissed when the CIV gods come a knocking.
13) Culture Flipping: I am okay with this because I am usually the most advanced CIV and their cities become mine.
14) ESPIONAGE: still up in the air on this one.....liked the spys/dipolmats

15) RESOURCES: Yipes! This was a good/bad added feature. You can see why our planet is always at war. STILL VERY BAD, that all AI civs can see ALL resources before they discover them. You can use this sorta to your advantage....if you see a town in the middle of the dersert or tundra, good chance a resource is going to appear.....subvert or kill them....hehe. But still a very unfair advantage. Can not be that hard to code a flag in that says can be seen or not.
16) Walls against bombardment. There is a reason why the Great Wall is useless after the discovery of gunpower, namely a 14" shell does not stop when it goes though a wall. Walls should have NO defense against bombardment and ESPECIALLY against Airplanes...sheesh.
Well back to my 6 tanks against 50+ riflemen (wish I was playing CIV II, one tank can kill all 50 in a stack - NOW there was something very stupid about the previous CIVs)
Peace and Love Beads........BAM!!!!! Ah, peace and quiet