Re: What Still Needs to be Done
Okay, 60% of your complaints stem from your choices on the Preferences Menu.
No comment - I play with sound off.
Make sure to click the appropriate preferences items:
1. Show friend and enemy moves
2. Show firend and enemy animations.
3. Show defender in city (something like this)
Either hit "c" to center the view on the active unit, or look at the unit info map in the lower right of your screen - shows unit waiting for commands.
Bombardment success depends on the bombard strength of the attacking unit and the defense of the target. If 19 failures out of 20, you must be attacking a much stronger defender than your attacker's bombard strength.
If you don't get a message, it means that you have hit something! A defender has taken a hit (you just can't see it because you haven't selected "Show defender in city" from the preferences menu as I suggested you do under point 2 above
Originally posted by Falconius
Greetings everyone. I have not posted in a while because I stopped playing Civ III due to its myriad of problems. But then I tried out the latest patch to see what's fixed and what's not. The game seems improved but still has some seriously annoying issues, namely:
Greetings everyone. I have not posted in a while because I stopped playing Civ III due to its myriad of problems. But then I tried out the latest patch to see what's fixed and what's not. The game seems improved but still has some seriously annoying issues, namely:
1. Missed City Messages: the game will focus on a city and the little bongo thump sounds, but the message is not always displayed.
2. Lack of Feedback on Battles: First, there's no sound effects for battles, so you might miss the fact that a battle is even taking place. And if the AI attacks from a city, you don't see what's attacking, you only see your unit's health bar decline. AND if you attack into a city, you don't see what you are attacking or what kind of damage you are doing to the attacked unit.
1. Show friend and enemy moves
2. Show firend and enemy animations.
3. Show defender in city (something like this)
3. Lack of Visual Prompt for Active Units: You find yourself staring in a state of hypnosis, waiting for something, anything, to happen. Then you realize one of your units up in a corner of the screen has been waiting for orders this whole time. Why not make them blink, as in Civ 1 and 2? The thin white circle is just not eye-catching enough.
4. Bombardment is Still Useless: 19 times out of 20 (no exaggeration) I get a message that "Bombardment Failed." This is especially annoying as the English when your Special Unit, the Man O'War, goes to pound a city and continuously fails. I see no way to change this in the editor, either. Also, like the missed city messages, there is sometimes no message at all to tell you what your bombardment did.
If you don't get a message, it means that you have hit something! A defender has taken a hit (you just can't see it because you haven't selected "Show defender in city" from the preferences menu as I suggested you do under point 2 above

5. STILL No Way to Start in Historic Locations.
