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Anarchy - Is this a bug?

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  • Anarchy - Is this a bug?

    I recently decended into anarchy during a prolongued warwith the germans with a democratic government.

    During this period of 6 or seven turns, I made peace with the germans and the the Romans declared war.

    When I was finally able to restore government (back to democracy), I set the luxuries to 100% and found everybody in my empire seemed to be pretty happy.

    But at the start of the next turn my govermnet decended back into anarchy. Has anyone got a possible reason for this?

    I thought war weariness only accumulated for each indivdual you are at war with, and even so each of my cities seemed to be going into a "we love me day" at the beginning of that turn, and im sure none were in disorder at that point.

    Any suggestions??
    The strength and ferocity of a rhinoceros... The speed and agility of a jungle cat... the intelligence of a garden snail.

  • #2
    Anyone, Anyone??
    The strength and ferocity of a rhinoceros... The speed and agility of a jungle cat... the intelligence of a garden snail.


    • #3
      As I understand it, fighting a war in anarchy is very bad. So you probably accumalated a lot of war wearniness in anarchy, so when you came out, you descended back into anarchy. I know it seems like a catch 22, anarchy war wearniness keeps you trapped in anarchy...Learn your lesson and don't ever fight wars while in anarchy. Remember, anarchists are all peace-niks.
      "Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
      --P.J. O'Rourke


      • #4
        I've heard of this several times, but never have experienced it. Can you post a saved game from before the first or second anarchy (first preferably).
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #5
          This may be so, but wouldnt my population show up as being unhappy?

          As it stands I have almost no unhappy citizens at the start of the turn that I decend into anarchy, and certainly no civil disorders, which I believe is what triggers a colapse in government.

          I have saved the game the turn before, and it repeatedly collapses at the start of the next turn. I just cant figure out what is directly triggering the collapse.
          The strength and ferocity of a rhinoceros... The speed and agility of a jungle cat... the intelligence of a garden snail.


          • #6
            It hasn't happened to me in Civ3, but I'm pretty sure that if you got to mush civil disorder in Civ2, especially close after a Revolution and you didn't fix it quickly. It would go back to anarchy. So I guess it's the same with Civ3.
            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


            • #7
              But, I have no cities in civil disorder at the time. Im a very experienced civ player and have never experienced this ever. And its kind of wrecking a game that I have been playing on for weeks.
              The strength and ferocity of a rhinoceros... The speed and agility of a jungle cat... the intelligence of a garden snail.


              • #8
                Well, they might have become unhappy during the upkeep for the next turn. Do you have a save exactly before the anarch period ended?
                Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                • #9
                  I think there is a 1-turn processing delay for many of the factors impacting happiness.

                  Clearly, connecting to new luxury resources and using the luxury slider are both immediate; BUT getting new luxuries resources through trade seems to show up when processing the next turn.

                  Perhaps the interplay of changing to Democracy, maxing the luxury slider, and accumulated WW is getting you.
                  The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                  Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                  • #10
                    Switch to Republic or Monarchy to proceed in the game (or Communism).

                    Save at the end of every turn while you are in Anarchy. When the time comes to pick your new govt you will be able to experiment a bit.
                    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                    • #11
                      I think thats what Im going to have to do. I have no save before I changed to Democracy after being in Anarchy the first time.

                      Its kind of buggered me as I had those back stabbing Germans pushed right back and had cleared a path to their Aluminium, oil and Uranium resources, and now after declaring peace I find myself unable to build the 20 or so settlers to fill in the space he left behind.

                      Meanwhile the 12 turns of anarchy Im facing is not going to help my cities being nuked by those Roman back stabbers (does any ai civ not bend you over and give you damn good shafting at the earliest opportunity)??

                      The strength and ferocity of a rhinoceros... The speed and agility of a jungle cat... the intelligence of a garden snail.


                      • #12
                        War Weariness is cumulative

                        I've found that War Weariness seems to be cumulative--not just per enemy.

                        I too, have had a game where I was a Democracy involved in a fairly prolonged war and my citizens went Anarchist on me. After the 7 turns I was asked to choose a new gov't. and I again chose Democracy. I don't remember if it was the next turn or the one right after, but my civilization descended into Anarchy once again.

                        Citezens in a Democracy don't seem to like war much. Even when the other guys are doing the attacking (at least as far as Civ3 goes). Communist citizens seem to tolerate war a little better.

                        If you're planning on attacking someone for resources, etc., I've found that if you can build your units while in Democracy BEFORE you attack you will be able to use your military, you just can't replentish your units--so make lots of 'em to begin with. Of course this tactic relies on planning very far ahead.

                        If you want to go a step further, build your military units, call for a revolution, wait 7 turns or so (only 1 for Religious civs) then switch to Communism and attack. This step requires planning even further ahead, but you will lose less production this way.

                        Also, while you're in Communism is the best time to plant, discover spies.

                        After the dust settles and Peace is declared you can switch back to Democracy to pump up after-war cleanup and production.
                        "...Every Right implies a certain Responsibility; Every Opportunity, an Obligation; Every Possession, a Duty." --J.D. Rockerfeller, Jr.


                        • #13
                          It does seem strange though, that when you're just peacefully building up your civ and someone else attacks you that that's the time when you need all of your citizens to come together to help support the Defense Effort. But that is seldom the case.

                          I think the citizens would rather be erradicated than to help w/ the very production that would prevent that.

                          It doesn't make much sense.

                          Just try to make a strong military BEFORE you need it.
                          "...Every Right implies a certain Responsibility; Every Opportunity, an Obligation; Every Possession, a Duty." --J.D. Rockerfeller, Jr.

