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Very Angry AI.

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  • Very Angry AI.

    Wut the hell is their problem ??? I trade maps allll the time, give them gifts of money, trade them tech for $/turn, luxuries and resourses being swapped all the time, and theyre still "furious" with me ???

    As a test one time I gave a "furious" civ everything I could, including 20 cities, and they were still "furious"!

    Is there a rule of thumb ? Like a gift a 500gp = up 1 level on the happiness meter ?

    In my current Regent game Im destroying the American and Iroquois on my continent, and the Russian - English - French & German have there own massive land. They constantly trade techs between themselves and leave me out of the loop! I trade as much as possible but obviously I must be doing something wrong b/c its impossible to get them to even "cautious" never mind "polite"... please help, I just want a couple friends

  • #2
    well the tech whoring is just part of the game. go into the editor, go to the "difficulty settings" tab in the rules, and set the tech value to 100 or 110 or something, that will make the AI treat you and the other AIs about the same when it comes to techs.

    the germans are notorious for being mean, as are a few other civs.

    also, if you sneak attack, break an agreement, or anything like that, EVERYONE remembers for A LONG TIME.

    hope that helps.
    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


    • #3
      Originally posted by UberKruX
      also, if you sneak attack, break an agreement, or anything like that, EVERYONE remembers for A LONG TIME.
      Yeah, like the rest of the game.
      Seemingly Benign
      Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


      • #4
        Hmmm maybe youre right, so even if Im not having any luck demanding for techs, and I say "to hell with you, its war time!" then its considered i broke the peace treaty and get negative points to my rep ?

        What if I renegociate peace and THEN i go to war with them, is that still breaking a treaty ?


        • #5
          when you sign a peace treaty, there is 20 turns that the deal is supposed to last for (like any other deal).

          after those 20 turns, you can re-negotiate for peace, as many AIs will do if you make them pay for it

          if the 20 turns are up, and you try to renegotiate peace, and THEN declare war, there is a less serious effect on your reputation, but it's still there.

          and like i said some civs (Germany ans Zulu) will only respect military power (in most cases). no matter how nice you are, Germany's always an annoyance
          "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
          - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


          • #6
            AI's are only happy when:
            1. they are ahead of you in score
            2. you are less than 100 in score ahead of them
            3. you are either about even or behind them a tech
            4. the military advisor says you are average or strong military.

            All that other stuff:
            gifts, techs, etc. might last 2 turns in play time, at warlord level. In other words, rarely helps. It seems like they are made if you bribe them to create a military alliance also.

            So the game vs the AI always comes down to culture and military. The more you are winning the more furious the AI is.

            You could always try a higher difficulty level if that is the root cause of the dissatisfaction.


            • #7
              Yeah, the AI gets pissed at you for doing well - it doesn't need any reason other than that
              Up the Irons!
              Rogue CivIII FAQ!
              Odysseus and the March of Time
              I think holding hands can be more erotic than 'slamming it in the ass' - Pekka, thinking that he's messed up


              • #8
                Ive just done a game 1000 points ahead of nearest rival, with an average military and all but 1 of the AI civs were polite
                "Bite my shiny metal ass" - Bender B. Rodriguez


                • #9
                  Difficultly was monarch i forgot to say. Derrrrrr.
                  "Bite my shiny metal ass" - Bender B. Rodriguez


                  • #10
                    You could always try a higher difficulty level if that is the root cause of the dissatisfaction.
                    Hmmm good thinkin - maybe Ill try that, right now Regent is quite easy to win via military, but not easy to get a huge advantage science-wise. I hate being hated by the AI, esspecailly when Im such a nice guy! :P

                    Maybe Ill give a Monarch game a try, hopefully as a bigger underdog they will cut me some slack. Hmmm but my next game was gonna be a OCC.... decisions, decisions...


                    • #11
                      Last time I won diplomatically, I had a bad reputation because of an ancient sneak attack. I just gave much money per turn and luxury for the last 40 years, and tried to make most possible strategic agreements (MPP, RoP). Civs with which you're MPPed are much more polite / gracious towards you. I noticed that Civs on other continents seem always annoyed until you're tied with it though.
                      "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                      "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                      "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                      • #12
                        Being involved with other civs helps. On a recent game I noticed everyone's attitude sliding to "annoyed," and I also saw that they all had RoP with each other, and I had RoP with nobody because I was being paranoid about sneak attacks. So I let my guard down, signed RoP agreements with most of the AIs, and bingo! Most were polite again. I avoid MPPs like the plague, but I assume they help even more.

                        Also, do things that are beneficial for AI civs - trade them techs that are useful and worth something, and GIVE techs/money/resources to small civs that are lagging behind. This will make them like you, and it will stop them from trading with other AI civs, so they won't like them as much. Then when that one big rival gets on your nerves for the last time, you and all the little guys can gang up on him.


                        • #13
                          Well then, what's up with those idiots? They attack me (last game it was Russians and Zulu that sneak attacked)..I punish them in a proper way and leave them with a couple of cities, and they stay furious at me for 1000's of years! First they attack me, who never even set my foot on their soil and treated them fairly in trading and such...I should be the one being furious for the rest of time, not them, but I'm a forgiving soul


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by UberKruX
                            well the tech whoring is just part of the game. go into the editor, go to the "difficulty settings" tab in the rules, and set the tech value to 100 or 110 or something, that will make the AI treat you and the other AIs about the same when it comes to techs.

                            the germans are notorious for being mean, as are a few other civs.

                            also, if you sneak attack, break an agreement, or anything like that, EVERYONE remembers for A LONG TIME.
                            Not exactly.

                            I have been blamed for stuff I NEVER DID. I was blamed by one civ centuries later over a war with the Romans WHO ATTACKED ME.

                            Beyond that, if a stupid Culture Flipping border flips over my garrisoned fortress and resource if I don't meekly leave I am considered the warmonger.

                            Worse, civs I will not meet for a THOUSAND YEARS on another continent still hate me even though the civ I supposed wronged (I didn't) was wiped out (by a third civ, not me) 600 years before I contacted that civ.

                            It is why AI Diplomacy is such a crock and needs fixing. But Firaxis won't.

