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How do you place a specif Civ where you want it?

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  • How do you place a specif Civ where you want it?

    I just downloaded the 1.21 patch. I made a map, changed the rules up a bit, but I can't put my civs where I want them. How do I make America start where I want them to? Germany where I want them? Please help.

    Later Days,
    Dylan :-)

  • #2
    why would you want to do that?


    • #3
      Because, I have a map of the Northern Hemisphere & I don't want England & china ending up in North America when they belong in Europe & asia. I could've swore this is one of the additions in the 1.21 patch. Please tell me how to do this.


      • #4
        unfortunately I do not know . but I'll help keep this thread at the top

        but come to think of it, I would like to know as well


        • #5
          As of right now, you can't, at all.
          Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


          • #6
            Can you say "noo beee"?

            Sorry, dman but that ability will hopefully come with the scenario editor in June (for free I hear).


            • #7
              I was hoping they would have fixed that.


              • #8
                It's even worse than all that.

                I Edited the game a lot. But if I decided to try out a new map, or the famous Marla map of Earth, I would have to re-edit everything for each new mod.

                And that stinks. Seems like Firaxis is trying to get people to play the game less what with that, no scenarios, no MP, no scenario-building, no cheat mode, etc.

