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coming back to Civ3...

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  • coming back to Civ3...

    *sigh* I'm going to be really bored this summer. So i've decided to bring out my copy of Civ3 and give it a second chance. I played for about 10 hours back when the game first came out and thought that it was mediocre to bad.

    Anyways, since I haven't visited the Civ3 area to do anything besides compain about Civ3 since it came out, what should I know? What's the newest patch? Are there any highly reccommended fan made patches out there that I should get? And has anyone created a strategy guide yet?

  • #2
    Beware of masochism.


    • #3
      maybe you haven't heard, but i've been a refugee in the OT for a couple months now, I no longer understand such big words any longer


      • #4
        Re: coming back to Civ3...

        Originally posted by H Tower
        *sigh* I'm going to be really bored this summer. So i've decided to bring out my copy of Civ3 and give it a second chance. I played for about 10 hours back when the game first came out and thought that it was mediocre to bad.

        Anyways, since I haven't visited the Civ3 area to do anything besides compain about Civ3 since it came out, what should I know? What's the newest patch? Are there any highly reccommended fan made patches out there that I should get? And has anyone created a strategy guide yet?
        I think you will find the latest patch, 1.21f to be quite an improvement in the game. There was a thread a few days ago regarding the best patch changes, quite a list. Best IMO- Stack movement using "j"; air superiority fixed; editor increased functionality; can tone down corruption; etc, etc.

        Check out the strategy forum, has a lot of great tips.


        • #5
          Beware the OT forays. Sorry H Tower. Seen it a few too many times.

          Get 1.21. Check out the Blitz mod and the Balancer mod and player1 mod. If you want the military changed.

          Many strategies found in the appropriate forum. Sn00py makes some wicked graphics.
          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


          • #6
            Re: coming back to Civ3...

            Originally posted by H Tower
            Anyways, since I haven't visited the Civ3 area to do anything besides compain about Civ3 since it came out, what should I know? What's the newest patch
            Definitely get the 1.21f patch. I took spent several months away from Civ3 and was fortunate enough to miss the whole 1.17f debacle. Anyway, the biggest changes I've noticed are that the AI does not expand quite as aggressively and air power works.

            I don't use any specific mods, having created my own that is an amalgamation of several other ideas. Basically, I have increased ship movement, gave air power lethal sea bombardment, changed all sorts of stuff with the cruise missile, and optimized map sizes to make the game keep moving at an acceptable pace in the modern era. And I allow for 16 civs on any map size.

            Sn00py's graphics are a must - especially the trees (though I don't like his tundra forest, so I still use the original).

            When Civ3 came out I lost interest in the game after about a month. Now I've been playing for a month and don't see any end in sight. For me the feeling of one-more-turn is back with a vengence. My wife is thoroughly displeased.
            "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
            "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
            "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


            • #7
              This seems to be a common phenomenon - I played for a week when it first came out, and got bored and put it away till now (partly because of EUII coming out). Now I can't stop.

              Maybe after a few months you can stop worrying about whether it's as good as you thought it would be, and just play the damn thing.


              • #8
                I thinkz more p33pz come back coz Firaxiz iz fixzing stuff in the game. After allz, it suxxed when it came out but now it iz much 1337er, hopefull33 the exzpanzion pack will fixz it compl33tl33.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by I-iZ-1337
                  I thinkz more p33pz come back coz Firaxiz iz fixzing stuff in the game. After allz, it suxxed when it came out but now it iz much 1337er, hopefull33 the exzpanzion pack will fixz it compl33tl33.
                  must you type like that? maybe your new to the internet and think that its really cool to replace the lettter e with a 3 and other stuff, but haven't you noticed that no one else posts like that? all we're asking for is a bit of real english to read


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by H Tower
                    must you type like that? maybe your new to the internet and think that its really cool to replace the lettter e with a 3 and other stuff, but haven't you noticed that no one else posts like that? all we're asking for is a bit of real english to read

                    I think it must be "3bonics"....


                    • #11
                      its still annoying. i go through so many threads these days, i hate to have to stop and try and translate somones post when i should have been able to read it in 20 seconds max


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by H Tower
                        its still annoying. i go through so many threads these days, i hate to have to stop and try and translate somones post when i should have been able to read it in 20 seconds max

                        If you have a problem with his language, then I suggest you avoid his "Wot stratz d0 j00 uze?" thread. or check it out, pretty funny stuff, esp. when ming arrived on the scene.


                        • #13
                          I'm with you H Tower. There is enough in these threads to make ones head spin without needing an "idiots to english" translation book. I understand that english is not the first language for many of the posters in these forums, and I don't mind trying to decipher what they are trying to say. But when you get somebody who is intentionally screwing it up it is truly annoying...

                          By the way, is U of I, or UIC?


                          • #14
                            It's the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. or UIUC but most people just say U of I.

                            so, does anyone have a favorite strategy out there?


                            • #15
                              Since I am not native English speaker, I realy have problems translating that "language" properly.

                              So please speak English!
                              Or elase I'll be forced to speak my native language.
                              So we both won't understand each other.

                              On Topic:
                              Civ3 is better with patches.
                              Especialy with 1.21f

                              It would maybe need some balance tweaks but there are some nice MODs which could be useed for that.
                              Last edited by player1; May 16, 2002, 17:03.

