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More waste questions/comments

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  • More waste questions/comments

    I'm having a real problem with waste in my game. I like to island hop, so I start out on a small continant on a random map (island map of course), about the size of six well spaced cities, and I send out boats to colenize other continants. Since this is the first real game I've played since the new patch, I thought it would work this time, but no. All my cities on other continants have one production, and if I rush courthouse it only gives me one more (out of 8-10 in a good city). This is intolerable, they are virtually useless and there's nothing I can do about it. Is there ANY way to play on mulitiple continants and have decent production, or is it impossable?

    The forbidden palace doesn't work on more than on continant either. It's a catch-22, you need it where you have the least production and you need production to build it in under a million turns. I think there should several more improvments to control corruption and waste in all ages. For example, you could build trade networks to bring together different parts of your empire. And there could be an advancement in modern times called "information age" that would allow instant communication, all but eliminating the distance from capitol rule, esspecially in democracies. I also think culture should be tied into corruption and waste. The more culture a city has the more of a socity they have built up, a community rather than just a population. In this situation you will have increased production and less crime then a random collection of peoples.

    Anyway, tips and comments are welcome, thanks.


  • #2
    Harbors also help. I used the editor to cut corruption down to 50% of what it was before. This helps a lot. Also before I gave barracks reduce corruption capability.
    Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


    • #3
      I agree it should be more or less eliminated by the late stages - perhaps the Radio tech could do this (if we understand 'Radio' as shorthand for any instant long-distance communication).

      After all, California isn't exactly unproductive just because it's a couple of thousand miles from Washington.


      • #4
        Harbors and luxuries. Get those WLT*Ds going asap.
        "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
        "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
        "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


        • #5
          There iz several methodz of fixzing corruptionz. J00 can go t00 despoz or commie and j00ze the rush stratz (max the f00d and if j00 have lotz of lux j00 can rush tonz of unitz or other stuff... unitz iz bezt coz improvementz will not have much affectz). J00 can also hire tax collectorz or scientiztz t00 get say 3-5 tradez and 1 shieldz per turn out of a corruptz cit33 (d00 thiz in demo or republicz).


          • #6
            Originally posted by Seneca
            After all, California isn't exactly unproductive just because it's a couple of thousand miles from Washington.
            That's because Las Vegas has the Forbidden Palace.
            "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
            "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
            "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


            • #7
              On islands, harbors are more important for reducing corruption than courthouses. They make the sea equivalent to a direct road to the port nearest your capital. I have some island cities that are more productive than cities on my main continent that are simply far from the capital.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Seneca After all, California isn't exactly unproductive just because it's a couple of thousand miles from Washington.
                I'd say that our FP is located in LA. :-)

                Mike G

