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Why the Anti-Civ3 Attitude?

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  • Why the Anti-Civ3 Attitude?

    While playing Civilization III today, I realized something. So I go through the Civilization III forums, and I mainly see messages that are slamming, insulting, or are otherwise deragatory messages towards Civilization III. I have to ask the question: Why?

    In December, I was shopping for a game because playing SimCity 2000 was getting quite boring. I had recently read somewhere that Civilization III was the great sequal to a Sid Meier legend, and although I didn't really know anything about Civilization, I bought it.

    But before I even opened the box, I began searching the internet for reviews. Most of them were negative, but the ones that were positive promised a great game. I took my chances, and opened the box. I installed the game, and began to play it. At first, I was disappointed. What was the goal of the game? The tutorial wasn't very helpful, and I didn't want to read the manual.

    About two weeks later, I was bored of my newly purchased Empire Earth. The only game I hadn't played in a while was Civilization III. Why not give it another shot, I asked myself. I began playing again, but this time I set everything low and NO other Civs. I began experimenting with everything. Soon, I figured many things out. This does that, which causes this, which effects that, etc...Soon, it was quite fun!

    The diplomacy was easy to execute once I added other Civs. The graphics werent groundbraking, but they made me feel really comfortable with the game and in many respects were much better than anything I had encountered before. The sounds were okay, sounded like sounds I encounter in SimCity. I liked how the combat system made it so you couldnt just go up the tech tree and fight with a superior army, it always kept me on my toes. The advisors were actually helpful, and the game was just so fun.

    A few months later, I recieved Civilization II as a gift. I was appauled. The diplomacy really sucked, you couldn't even technology for money! The graphics were so bad I couldn't tell what was what. Moving the units was a hassle, becaues they often landed on the wrong tile. National borders weren't clear, and I couldnt tell what was two or three or whatever amount of squares away. Enabling the grid just made the graphics worse. The movies IMO were horrible, the Civlopedia wasn't helpful at all...I had to learn about "home cities" and "unit support" which still confuses me to this day. I can't tell wheather my citizens are happy sad or indifferent because of the 'beautiful' graphics. Throne room? I'd rather have a palace. The music was horrible. It sucked...It REALLY sucked.

    However, there are people who prefer it to Civilization III. I ask myself how they can do that, when Civ II is obviously inferior. How can they slam Civ III while tolerating the many imperfections of Civ II. And then I realize.....They were exposed to it before Civ III. There are always exceptions, but isn't that the major majority of it? I mean, after reading all the praise for Civ II, I was very excited to play it. But then I felt the same feeling that other forumers say here, I felt betrayed. How could my friend give me such garbage? How could Sid Meier have designed such a piece of trash?

    But again, I was exposed to Civ3 first. I like it more because of that. I'm willing to deal with the corruption, and the crashes and the lack of wonder movies. Because to me, the pro outweighs the con. I love the clean graphics, and the diplomacy. I love the national borders, and I really love culture. I love the peaceful methods of winning. But some people love Civ2 lack of culture. It's cheat menu. But I hate it. I hate it so much....I can't begin to describe it. I keep it on my hard drive....I don't really know. But I can't bring myself to play it for more than a few minutes, unlike Civ3 which keeps me here for hours on end.

    And then I have another question to ask. Why are people actually turning Civilization into a religion? All over Apolyton, I've seen people insult others just because they Like CivIII over Alpha Centauri, or they want Brazil in Civ3 XP, or they actually support the Americans...Why? It's just a game for heavens sake. To me, that just indicates that they really have nothing better to do, which in some ways can be very sad.

    Sitting here right now, I don't even know why I'm typing all this up. Maybe I'm just tired of seeing people continuously slamming Civ3, maybe I'm just trying to rationalize their behavior. Or maybe in my subconcious mind, I just want to be a part of slamming something so I designed this message to slam Civ2. Or maybe I'm just trying to tell everyone that it's all because I started with Civ III whle otheres started with Civ II.

    Well, whatever the reasoning behind this post, I do know one thing. I have an unfinished territorial dispute with the Americans (I'm the Chinese...I can smell a conquest victory on the horizon).

    I am going to leave now. Farewell, fellow Apolyton peoples......

    Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
    Long live teh paranoia smiley!

  • #2
    Are you sure Civ2 music is that bad?I agree Civ3 was totally better than Civ2 100 times but I like some of the Civ2 music,they are nice,some of them is better than Civ3's.
    "The east wind shall prevail the west wind" Mao Tse Tung


    • #3
      Well, it's not horrible but when compared to Civ III, in my opinion, its very bad.
      Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
      Long live teh paranoia smiley!


      • #4
        I too find it strange that so many whiners make their way onto these forums.

        When they whine about it, I often find their complaints somewhat exaggerated. Though I do see problems in the areas they are whining about, I find their negative attitude and anger off-putting. It gets harder to have a decent discussion when a whiner enters the thread.

        But as for people who prefer Civ II, that is just their opinion, and you need to respect that. Just as they need to respect the opinions of those of us who do prefer Civ III.
        "Corporation, n, An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility." -- Ambrose Bierce
        "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." -- Benjamin Franklin
        "Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction." -- Thomas Jefferson


        • #5
          Originally posted by LordAzreal
          I too find it strange that so many whiners make their way onto these forums.

          When they whine about it, I often find their complaints somewhat exaggerated. Though I do see problems in the areas they are whining about, I find their negative attitude and anger off-putting. It gets harder to have a decent discussion when a whiner enters the thread.

          But as for people who prefer Civ II, that is just their opinion, and you need to respect that. Just as they need to respect the opinions of those of us who do prefer Civ III.
          I agree with you whole heartedly.
          Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
          Long live teh paranoia smiley!


          • #6
            You've hit the nail on the head Tassadar.

            If you search, you will find that many of the people who hate Civ3 love Civ2 or SMAC and bring much criticism along the lines of 'why is Civ3 like this when X was so much better'. A lot of it boils down to personal preferences and expectations.

            As for why it takes on religious proportions, well there are some things people feel strongly about. A pass time that has occupied one for many hundreds of hours (if not thousands) is going to build up some strong feelings. For some of us Civ isn't just a game, it is THE game.

            So when you see jimmy and I going at it, you aren't watching 1 person who likes the game and 1 person who hates it. You are watching 2 people who love Civ, but who can't agree on the details about how things 'ought to be'.

            One last thought. I believe that the number of people who have been disappointed may be partly due to the very poor job that Firaxis and Infogrames did of managing expectations on boards such as Poly. To this day there are many people about who feel that MP was promised out of the box as some sort of guarantee. There are others who were surprised that Social Engineering wasn't ported from SMAC. In short, the fanatics were left to their own devices to conjure up images of the new God with very little guidance from on high. Thus when the Godling made it's appearance and deviated considerably from what had been anticipated, the protests followed. I'm not sure that the realities of the development cycle could have allowed for better management of expectations, or whether it would be worth the resources in the first place, but had the job been possible and been done then Poly would have been a bit calmer these last 7 or 8 months.
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #7
              I have just finished a mind-boggling spreadsheet, and it's 2:30am, so I apologize if what comes out is mush. Also, I have a big post coming, catching up on a lot of threads and commenting on my recent gameplay... so I've had Civ commentary in the back of my head for the last week or so...

              Re II v III, and also re whiners: [hands paused in exhaustion... fingeres moving slow] I tend to look toward the positive, and there is so much in Civ3 that rocks. I am just getting to the "one-turn-more" phase though... maybe it took 1.21. For perspective, I took a vacation, alone, in Belize last August... I purposely took a laptop to play Civ2. I don;t feel that way about 3 yet. So I guess I understand the almost religious dedication to 2; 3 is different, and yes, the initial release was a screw-up, but I can FEEL it's better. A little more tweaking, filling out some missing pieces... I don;t mind the evolution, I think this is how it'll be from now on... game designers won;t be expected to be Michaelangelo, but will engage in a dialogue. Hmmm, jt, Coracle, and others, your job is to help produce the next iteration... I am always happy when I see you contribute, rather than rant.

              I've loved the entire series. Civ3 was the first that came out of the box without the one-more-turn feeling... but now it has that, and more. I am a newbie here in the community, but I do know that I'd rather focus on gameplay, and possible improvements for Firaxis and the mod / scenario people, then on *****ing.

              Sorry for the ramble; I just really agree with Tassadar5000, and had to throw in my two cents.
              The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

              Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


              • #8
                Good post, Tassadar. I think you are correct with your analysis about the rants in the Civ fora. Mostly, they can be reduced to "Why can't Civ3 be like [...]" (Place your favorite game here, Civ, Civ2, SMAC, CTP etc.).

                I won't call Civ2 a bad game, and I find the soundtrack very good, considering the release year 1996. Civ2 gave me years and years full of excitement, CivCTP and CTP2 helped to shorten the delay between Civ2 and Civ3. I played SMAC as well (and still play now and then), but I'm not much into the reddish-futuristic environment. Well, that's a matter of optical preferences, overall it's a great game too, and I understand, why for some it's THE game.

                The answer to this often asked question is probably, "Civ3 is not like [...], because it doesn't try to." It's a different game, which tries to implement other features like culture, strategic resources and really different civilizations (not as different as the SMAC factions tho). For several reasons, it dropped other features and was streamlined, be it for balancing or as a try to fight ICS. As a logical consequence, people who loved the dropped features/missing complexity, are disappointed now.

                I'm far from defending the game in all cases. It was rushed to the market as a beta release and improved by 3 patches, to it's current playable state. And, even though it still has several weak points, for me it is enjoyable now. For others, may be not. I'm not against criticism a la Zylka, jimmytrick and Coracle at all, as long as it is constructive and not sheer rant and insults of Firaxis and the Civ3 community. Unfortunately, I see the latter happen more often.

                Now that the first extension pack will be released, many people ask, why these features could not be implemented in the initial release, and why have the fans to pay twice to get multiplayer and other promised features. Well, both Firaxis and Infogrames aren't the public welfare, but companies with one main goal: maximize their profit. Their leaders decided, that it's more profitable to release it unfinished/untested, and charge twice (and even more) for a decent game. That's nothing new, considering the way Civ2 went. If people don't like it, they should not blame Firaxis and Infogrames for exploiting capitalist principles ("Make money, make more money..."), but may be next time elect the communist party. Be assured, things will change. Personally I will buy the XP. Sure, it would have been nice to have the new features in the initial release, but this would probably mean the delay of the game release till this fall. And if one asks me, if one more year playing Civ3 was worth the 30 extra bucks for an XP, my answer will be yes.


                • #9
                  Interesting point Tassadar. I have never looked at it that way because I have played civ2 for so long now. And it is probably not fair to first try civ3 and then civ2. Civ2 is so much older that it is only logical that both the graphics and the sounds are very bad. But you should take a look at civ1. Pfew, talk about bad graphics...

                  Overall I like civ3. I have never played SMAC so I'm not influenced by that game. But after playing civ3 for a long time now, I feel that every game I start, eventually results in the same: a huge war with me and some AI civs on one side and an alliance of other AI civs on the other side. Usually I am strong enough to wipe them out and win either by conquest/culture/space. I have tried other ways, but they usually fail on higher levels. Because if you're weak you will be attacked....

                  Civ3 was promised to be more for the builders, but I think that it turned out to be the other way around. Because in civ2 if you were ahead in tech (which usually means that you have build up a larger property with better improvements in the cities) you could stop the warmongerers by superior units.

                  Anyway this is just my opinion. No need to liquidate me for it.

                  You never know these days...
                  Member of Official Apolyton Realistic Civers Club.
                  If you can't solve it, it's not a problem--it's reality
                  "All is well your excellency, and that pleases me mightily"


                  • #10
                    Great thread Tassadar5000!

                    I am in agreement with everyone's statements here especially NYE's take on Infogreeds treatment of the die hard old time fans.

                    What anything in life boils down to is proper marketing.
                    signature not visible until patch comes out.


                    • #11
                      Well, a lot depends on your perspective. If I were writing a book about the shortcomings of Civ3, I would be able to devote chapters and chapters to set the stage so that the reader could understand the main failures of the product, which can be explained in just paragraphs, but never understood by someone who hadn't the perspective.

                      T5000 is looking at the issue with new eyes and just doesn't see it the same as others do. T5000 has probably never played a OCC in Civ2 for example.

                      Civ3 is bad civ, but it's civ, and even bad civ is good compared to other games.

                      Compared to Civ2 and SMAC, Civ3 is awful, but even its worst critics have to agree its still better than most games. It may have even been the best game of the year.

                      But its still a disgrace.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jimmytrick
                        It may have even been the best game of the year.

                        But its still a disgrace.
                        That's the crux of the matter. How can it be the best game of the year, and yet a disgrace?

                        Thanks for the post Tassadar5000. I have played all variations of Civ, and Civ3 is the only version I currently play. Great game!


                        • #13
                          There aren't many TBS games coming out Zach.

                          Civ3 is a disgrace because Sid and Firaxis, upon Brian's departure, assigned less than their best to do it. With predictable results.

                          The Civ series deserved Firaxis's best effort. They didn't even attempt to do their best. Shameful.


                          • #14
                            I think what pisses people off is the fact that we were promised so much (multi-player, being able to see some Wonders on the map, e.g. Great Wall), expected so much (scenario editor, decent map editor with mini-map, no. of units & resources hard-coded until after 3 patches), and didn't get it.

                            Personally, I love Civ3 and enjoy it's user-friendliness (for a civ game anyway).
                            Up the Irons!
                            Rogue CivIII FAQ!
                            Odysseus and the March of Time
                            I think holding hands can be more erotic than 'slamming it in the ass' - Pekka, thinking that he's messed up


                            • #15
                              How can it be the best game of the year, and yet a disgrace?
                              Says something about the current state of pc game development doesn't it?
                              Flogging will continue until morale improves.

