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Compared to Ronald McDonald your military is Average!!

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  • #31
    I have verified these examples in V1.21 and Soren's statements are definiately not accurate or correct. Perhaps someone on his staff told him that things were fixed when in fact they are not close to being fixed.

    Do not confuse the two issues.

    On a tactical level the individual units do appear to have the ability to select and attack the weakest defenders. They even have god-like powers to determine which city is defended by the weakest set of defenders even when you the human player cannot perform that task.

    On a Strategic level the program is BROKEN (either by accident or design). The AI leaders and military advisors do not seem to have the slightest ability to use the relative power of the military units in their decision making processes as to whne and where to wage war. The Kings and the generals send their armies off into worthless conflicts because their programmmed thought processes are screwed up.

    Just verfied this again using V1.21 so I am certain that things are not implemented as stated by Soren. (I have read the prior postings and the facts do not match the promises)

    Using the same basic China vs India example shown in the tables above, I backed up a few turns to the point where China has just finished railroading and terraforming the entire continent. China has 44 Chinese workers and 35 captured slave workers. The Military advisor says "Compared to India the Chinese military is strong." All the workers are no longer needed, so we begin joining the workers to selected cities where they can become citizen workers and contribute to the point count. Absolutely no other changes to the unit counts for China or India are processed and yet when we have joined 8 Chinese workers to cities, the Advisor shifts to say "Compared to India the Chinese military is average." The civilization attitude also shifts from polite to cautious and then annoyed as we continue reduce the Chinese worker count without processing any changes to any other military leaders.

    I would caution us to not accept everything that is posted or promised by Soren in the forums until these issues are tested and verified. The sorry fact seems to be that many of these promised features are not implemented and/or tested properly before they are released to the public.

    This is a great example where Soren (the big cheese) has stated that things in the code function one way while actual testing and verification shows that the "things" either do not function at all or function in a way that conflicts with Soren's perception.


    • #32
      Well, this is certainly interesting. cracker, you should email your conclusions to Firaxis. Let's hope that Soren take a look at them and tries to fix this in the XP.
      I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


      • #33
        Remember to send the save too.
        I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

