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Air combat questions..

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  • Air combat questions..

    Ive been wondering about intercepting enemy aircraft... Ive never played in the modern age much. Ive seen my jet fighters intercept enemy bombers and they seem to be completely destroyed. Are they always destroyed, or sometimes just damaged? does this have anything to do with the air power or defence rating of the units?


  • #2
    Hi there,

    Here's what little I know regarding air combat in Civ3. If you have a regular jet fighter attacking a veteren or elite bomber there is a chance that your jet fighter will not win. Air combat, like ground/naval combat, is influenced not just by attack and defense factors but also unit training level (i.e. conscript, regular, veteran, elite) status.

    Air combat will always end in one unit dying and one unit surviving, just like all other combat in Civ3.

    Hope this helps.
    signature not visible until patch comes out.


    • #3
      I was wondering, because I dont remember any of my planez ever having damage after about 10 intercepts overall in the war, maybe I was just lucky? I only built fighters from airports tho


      • #4
        Originally posted by Daftpanzer
        I was wondering, because I dont remember any of my planez ever having damage after about 10 intercepts overall in the war, maybe I was just lucky? I only built fighters from airports tho
        Well you could have been lucky, after all jet fighters almost always win against plain bombers. OTOH are you sure you just pressed space bar during your turn after combat took place? Whenever you skip a units turn it heals one hitpoint.

        Building aircraft only from airports is the way to go! That means they're veteran units and the ai usually builds aircraft from wherever meaning that it's aircraft are probably only regular units.

        Good luck!
        signature not visible until patch comes out.


        • #5
          well sometimes your fighters can get really really damaged, down to red


          • #6
            I believe the interceptor's attack rating is compared to the intruder's defence rating and the battle is resolved.

            Yes, Fighters and JetFighters sometimes sustain damage during the battle. I've seen quite a few Fighters shot down by Bombers. I've even seen a Jet shot down by a Bomber once or twice.

            Stealth Fighters and Bombers are automatically destroyed if intercepted.
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #7
              Originally posted by notyoueither
              Stealth Fighters and Bombers are automatically destroyed if intercepted.
              I've never noticed that before but I'll have to pay closer attention next time an interception happens to me.
              signature not visible until patch comes out.


              • #8
                I see, thanks for the replies and for explaining

