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Improvements yet to be made to CivIII

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  • Improvements yet to be made to CivIII

    These are the improvements that I, as the customer, would like to see made to the game.

    1) More Buildings - Be it more Small Wonders, Great Wonders, culture only buildings, or location specific buildings, I would like to have some new choices of what to build in my cities beyond the basic rehashed buildings from Civ2. One rationale would be that there are happiness specific buildings, economic specific buildings, industry specific buildings, but no culture specific buildings.

    2) More complex diplomatic model - Alliances should count for something beyond combat. There should be better opportunities for trade and even closer relationships. An alliance should have a leader capable of negotiating peace for the entire alliance....or at least be required to all reach peace at the same time or no one is at peace. A power should be able to lean on other powers to push them towards peace settlements. Some of the features in SMAC and CTP2 might also be a good start.

    3) More uniqueness to each civilization - 1 UU is not enough. Have one UU for every age. In some games, some of the UUs of civs are never seen. Besides that, the AI plays every civ exactly the same....expand, expand, expand. There must be something that could be done to set each civ apart from the other. Otherwise, the game becomes the same strategies, just different colors.

    4) More Technologies - Why does the tech tree stop in the modern age? It would not be hard to push one more age into the game. The techs need to be better laid out into strands to make research more a part of one's strategy. It would be possible to add buildings that could add to research along specific lines as opposed to just general research.

    5) More worker actions - As the game advances, it should be possible for workers to create advanced forms of existing improvements. Each level of improvement should be more specialized and as it increases a targeted tile bonus, other bonuses should be reduced.

    6) Better use of strategic resources - The entire strategic resource model needs to be overhauled. There need to be limitations on how useful a strategic resource can be. 2 Iron should be more useful than just 1 Iron. Perhaps some units could require more than one source. Or perhaps only X number of cities could produce the unit requiring the resource. The game needs to go beyond just grabbing one of everything to be able to build every unit.

    These are just my opinions on improvements I would like to see. Please add to them if you can think of any I may have forgotten.
    "Our lives are frittered away by detail....simplify, simplify."

  • #2
    Re: Improvements yet to be made to CivIII

    Originally posted by Deornwulf
    3) More uniqueness to each civilization - 1 UU is not enough. Have one UU for every age. In some games, some of the UUs of civs are never seen. Besides that, the AI plays every civ exactly the same....expand, expand, expand. There must be something that could be done to set each civ apart from the other. Otherwise, the game becomes the same strategies, just different colors.

    5) More worker actions - As the game advances, it should be possible for workers to create advanced forms of existing improvements. Each level of improvement should be more specialized and as it increases a targeted tile bonus, other bonuses should be reduced.
    I agree with most of what you've said: it's pretty spot on, really.

    The UUs are supposed to be that civ's place in the sun: the highpoint for that culture. Having more than one defeats that purpose.

    I think the new expansion pack will have worker actions to Build Airfield, Build Outpost and Build Radar Tower.
    Up the Irons!
    Rogue CivIII FAQ!
    Odysseus and the March of Time
    I think holding hands can be more erotic than 'slamming it in the ass' - Pekka, thinking that he's messed up


    • #3
      Giving us a way to fight against pollution. ( making it less virulent or implementing new buildings through the ages: sewers and some various plants for example, to reduce it).

      Implementing an option (when starting a game) to wether the AI will be ultra-expansionnist or not (map full before 1000BC is not fun for casual players).

      Tinkering the "culture flipping" in order to warn us when a city is "interested" by another civ and will switch soon. maybe implement some kind of units keeping a town from flipping.

      More techs, more units, decrease the "downtime" in the industrial age (lack of things to do beside war, which is usually tedious)


      • #4
        Re: Improvements yet to be made to CivIII

        Originally posted by Deornwulf
        These are the improvements that I, as the customer, would like to see made to the game.
        Being the customer doesn't get you as far as it used to in everyday life, it certainly isn't going to hold much water at Firaxis.

        That said, I agree with your suggestions. I think diplomacy in the game would do wonders if its rules were programmed to resemble those of the game "Diplomacy". No element of chance, just ... diplomacy.

        Add worker jobs! Add worker jobs! This could be such a powerful scenario element.

        Good news though, you can add two terrain types in the XP.

        BTW: your 3 and 6 are out it would be too hard for them to change at this point. Also, my Diplomacy suggestion is out from the reason.


        • #5
          Sounds like Civ 4 ideas to me.
          Sorry....nothing to say!


          • #6
            That reminds me, ask Marko's for a Civ 4/Ideas forum.
            Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
            Waikato University, Hamilton.


            • #7
              Iz 1 n33ded so s00n?


              • #9
                One of my WIBNI (Would it be nice if) ideas is that cities should be able to specialize in the production of certain units, if they produce them for a while. So Detroit after manufacturing 10 tanks one right after another would accrue economies of scale and be able to produce them much faster (since they already have a production line). Same for aircraft, cavalry, whatever.

                Another WIBNI idea was that cities with grapes in its city radius could build a winery in order to manufacture wine that could be traded. Same for the other luxuries like silk, spices, etc. Ala Colonization.

                But that's "more of a Shelbyville idea", if you catch my monorail.


                • #10
                  Originally posted by ahenobarb
                  One of my WIBNI (Would it be nice if) ideas is that cities should be able to specialize in the production of certain units, if they produce them for a while. So Detroit after manufacturing 10 tanks one right after another would accrue economies of scale and be able to produce them much faster (since they already have a production line). Same for aircraft, cavalry, whatever.

                  Another WIBNI idea was that cities with grapes in its city radius could build a winery in order to manufacture wine that could be traded. Same for the other luxuries like silk, spices, etc. Ala Colonization.

                  But that's "more of a Shelbyville idea", if you catch my monorail.
                  hi ,

                  hmmm , not bad , ..

                  so what it comes to is more buildings , ..???

                  have a nice day
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                  WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?


                  • #11
                    It's more than just adding buildings. The original thread and idea is here:

                    But, it is not gonna be done, so it's sort of pointless.

                    Thanks , have a wonderful day .


                    • #12
                      Things I'd like to see:

                      1. Bombers should either have the range of an ICBM (it's entirely within technology in the modern age to bring enough fuel to fly half-way around the world), OR you should be able to base aircraft in an ally's cities.

                      2. Future-wonders (even if there never is a future age), such as Global Disarment, which would disarm all those pesky nukes


                      The '1 uu for every age' would seriously crowd the game, and IMO, shatter the realism. Some civs, Like America and Rome, don't cover every age. A warrior or spearman UU for America? I don't think so

                      Your resource idea is a pretty good idea, but if implemented, there would need to be more on every map. Half the time I don't get 1 of each, let alone 2.
                      The two real political parties in America are the Winners and the Losers. The people don't acknowledge this. They claim membership in two imaginary parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, instead." - Kurt Vonnegut Jr. My (crappy) LiveJournal


                      • #13
                        How about the ability to trade units during diplomacy? Sure I'll trade you my horses Alexander, but I think I'll take a few Hoplites please.
                        Try for discussion and debate.


                        • #14
                          Originally posted by ACooper
                          Sounds like Civ 4 ideas to me.
                          Or Civ 4.3 ideas.


                          • #15
                            Deornwulf, if you want all those things you should play SMAC. As discussed on another thread, father Sid and his minions thought that Civ3 should be as simple as possible, to ensure a wide audience. SMAC is the gamer's game.

                            And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...

