Although I’ve been browsing the Civ3 forums for some time now, I’ve never actually posted before. I’m sure however that the issue of stacked movement is close to many people’s hearts.
There seems to have been only a half hearted attempt by Frixas to introduce the feature of stacked movement – and don’t get me wrong, it is better than nothing, however I feel that it hasn’t been taken far enough.
For example, I have 20 artillery and 30 tanks in a fortress. The AI has about 15 infantry on a tile next to the fortress. I attack firstly using my artillery, which is 80 mouse clicks, and that is before my primary assault with the tanks (another 90 mouse clicks & drags). Tedious, and lets face it, boring! Certainly with multiplayer and the new ‘turnless’ online mode, the stacking feature needs a lot of work.
The way I would like to see it working is like this.
Say I created a stack of 5 knights, 5 pikeman, 1 army (knights), 5 catapults and 5 archers.
I attack.
First the catapults should bombard, then the army should attack, followed by the knights, and then the archers.
The other player (AI or human) retaliates, and so the pikeman defend.
All units in the stack keep attacking until all units on that tile are either destroyed or captured. If this happens before all units in the stack have used up their attack, then it should be clear what units have attacks remaining in that particular turn.
An area on the map can be selected for units to retreat to (if they have that feature), and when this happens they would obviously remove themselves from the stack.
Movement of the stack should be restricted by the unit with the lowest movement rating.
Stack management would need to be carefully designed about so that it is simple and straight forward. E.g. simply right click, click ‘stack’, click on the units to add, click ‘add’. Likewise to remove units, select them and click ‘remove’.
An added feature could be that the player can give names to different stacks, e.g. “3rd Regiment”, or “arse whoopers”
I know this is very similar to the CTP system, but I think that it could be introduced in Civ3 such that wouldn’t change the combat fundamentals. All we are doing is reducing mouse clicks, and this is badly needed. Firxas would be letting themselves down big time if they don’t address this.
And that was my first ever two cents.
There seems to have been only a half hearted attempt by Frixas to introduce the feature of stacked movement – and don’t get me wrong, it is better than nothing, however I feel that it hasn’t been taken far enough.
For example, I have 20 artillery and 30 tanks in a fortress. The AI has about 15 infantry on a tile next to the fortress. I attack firstly using my artillery, which is 80 mouse clicks, and that is before my primary assault with the tanks (another 90 mouse clicks & drags). Tedious, and lets face it, boring! Certainly with multiplayer and the new ‘turnless’ online mode, the stacking feature needs a lot of work.
The way I would like to see it working is like this.
Say I created a stack of 5 knights, 5 pikeman, 1 army (knights), 5 catapults and 5 archers.
I attack.
First the catapults should bombard, then the army should attack, followed by the knights, and then the archers.
The other player (AI or human) retaliates, and so the pikeman defend.
All units in the stack keep attacking until all units on that tile are either destroyed or captured. If this happens before all units in the stack have used up their attack, then it should be clear what units have attacks remaining in that particular turn.
An area on the map can be selected for units to retreat to (if they have that feature), and when this happens they would obviously remove themselves from the stack.
Movement of the stack should be restricted by the unit with the lowest movement rating.
Stack management would need to be carefully designed about so that it is simple and straight forward. E.g. simply right click, click ‘stack’, click on the units to add, click ‘add’. Likewise to remove units, select them and click ‘remove’.
An added feature could be that the player can give names to different stacks, e.g. “3rd Regiment”, or “arse whoopers”

I know this is very similar to the CTP system, but I think that it could be introduced in Civ3 such that wouldn’t change the combat fundamentals. All we are doing is reducing mouse clicks, and this is badly needed. Firxas would be letting themselves down big time if they don’t address this.
And that was my first ever two cents.