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War time

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  • War time

    Im playing on a map with 16 civs , and over the years there have been many small brawls , but they always end after a little while. The latest war was a war involving Babylon, it seems like its been going on forever. Babylon is the second biggest civ besides me , so obviously I want to trade with them. Every 5 turns the other AIs will come to me asking for help and I just say goodbye. Well the question is how long does the AI hold a grudge like this? The war has been on for at least 50 turns , and only some small cities have changed hands. Will the other civs leave Babylon alone if I form an alliance with babylon and some other small civs against them?

  • #2
    I'm still not sure as to how the war strategy's of the AI works. A good question for Soren.
    Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
    Waikato University, Hamilton.

