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Difficulty Level

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  • #16
    Re: Difficulty Level

    Originally posted by Tampa1
    What difficulty level do you play? And can someone explain the difficulty levels and the advantages the AI gets with those levels?
    You can check in the editor but I believe these are accurate:

    Chieftain, AI has a 20% cost premium on all units, tech, pop
    Warlord, AI has 10% cost premium
    Regent, level playing field
    Monarch, AI gets 2 free units, 10% discount
    Emperor, AI gets 5 free units, 20% discount
    Deity, AI gets 15 free units (not all at the start though), 40% discount

    The discount applies to the food box for population as well as units, and is one reason the AI can expand so fast.

    In general, a seasoned player can win any start on Monarch or below, though it may not be much fun. On Emperor, it takes a top 10% player to win every start, but a good player can win the vast majority of starts. On Deity it takes a top 10% player (maybe a top 2% player is more accurate) to win a majority of starts. Map size, number of opponents and starting terrain are all big factors. My rough estimates are for eight players, standard size random map, random starting civ.

    P. S. I am promoting my May tourney game, it is Regent level as Chinese:

