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Difficulty Level

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  • Difficulty Level

    What difficulty level do you play? And can someone explain the difficulty levels and the advantages the AI gets with those levels?

  • #2
    The various advantages/disadvantages the AI and you get at each level can be found in the editor under the Difficulty settings tabs. As for difficulty levels, I finally won my first deity game last night. Hooray!


    • #3
      When I play on Regent I find it easy but when I try Monarch I get too far behind early on.


      • #4
        Congratulations, Ixnay. I'm still waiting for my first Deity win. As to the original question, it mostly has to do with decreased/increased production and scientific research. Lower levels penalize the AI, higher levels boost it. For example, on Chieftan level, the AI might be producing at 80% while on Deity it's producing at 120%. That might not be on the nose but you get the idea.
        Frodo lives!


        • #5
          Either Regent or Monarch has an equal playing field but not sure which one.


          • #6
            If I remember right from what others have said. Chieftain through Regeant give you some advantage, Monarch is normal, then anything above gives the comp advantages.
            "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


            • #7
              I'm just beginning to be a regular winner at regent level which is where things are equal for AI and human. Of course, there are always exploits one can use against the AI.
              "What did you learn in school today, dear little boy of mine?
              I learned our government must be strong. It's always right and never wrong,.....that's what I learned in school."
              --- Tom Paxton song ('63)


              • #8
                I can always beat Monarchy unless the starting position is really bad. But I still haven't earned my 1st emperor victory yet (got close once). I actually dropped down to Regent for a game so I could enjoy a building game, but I'll start playing emp. again now that I have 1.21. I just don't get to play very often. 50 hour work weeks, computer classes at night, and a my wife has a home improvement list a mile long (we are excepting our 1st child this August ) I only get to play Friday and Saturday night....


                • #9
                  If I remember right from what others have said. Chieftain through Regeant give you some advantage, Monarch is normal, then anything above gives the comp advantages.
                  I recall it says in the editor that Regent should be the "normal" or standard setting. Whatever that may mean. However, I usually play on Monarch, that suits me fine. It´s not too hard if you just think as a human, not as the AI...


                  • #10
                    skipped regent and started my first monarch game last night as the persians. i got REALLY lucky and ended up on a decent sized subcontinent. i am successfully defending the "goosenecks" with spearmen so the friggin AI can't swarm in. we'll see what happens.
                    drones to the left of me, spartans to the right - here i am, stuck in the middle with yang


                    • #11
                      I find that the difficulty levels are pathetic. One can lose on Chieftain or win on Deity depending on the starting locations. Their should be a starting location slider to deal with this.
                      Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
                      Waikato University, Hamilton.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Tampa1
                        Either Regent or Monarch has an equal playing field but not sure which one.
                        regent does
                        because when you get to monarch you will notice the diffrence
                        not to hard though


                        • #13
                          Regent has the equal playing field. In monarch the difference that you'll notice is that the AI develops techs a bit faster. Thats the only difference other than limit of number of content citizens, 3 or 4 I think.

                          IMO monarch is the most even level. The AI does get a bit of an advantage, but that is evened out with the player's skill and strategy that the AI can't develop. The only way AI keeps up is the faster techs and production. On regent the player with his strategies and all will blow away the AI.
                          I AM GOD


                          • #14
                            I agree with God (not with christianity ) regent and monarch are the best levels.
                            Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
                            Waikato University, Hamilton.


                            • #15
                              I worked my way to Regent, played Monarch a couple of times. Although I must confess, I have been known to play a round of cheifton. Just because it's really easy and good to pass some time away.
                              I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!

