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Strangest thing on Deity... bug in AI???

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  • Strangest thing on Deity... bug in AI???

    I have recently won my third Deity game, but it's the strangest game I ever played. Some weird stuff happened...

    First a "short" summary of the game (nothing really special, u can skip to the last paragraph if u want):
    - Large map, pangea, 8 civs
    - My people, the Belgians (based on French) always were the ugly duck. I only had 15 cities, was way behind in the tech race (used broker-technology strategy). I also was crammed between the Russians and the Aztecs. The most important players where the Aztecs, Russians and the Chinese. The others were the Germans, Americans, Iroquois and the English. The Russians had 1/4 of the world in their hands after conquering the Germans (until then 2nd in power) in the early industrial era. The Russians were almighty: you'd piss in your pants if u'd see their empire and their army.
    The Chinese had always a small tech lead on the rest of the nations and also had a very, very respectable army.
    I had to get more cities, otherwise I was dead meat for sure.
    After I finally had tanks, I rallied all the world up in an alliance against the Aztecs. The Russians conquered 50% of the Aztecs and me the other half. After this war was over the 2 superpowers China and Russia began an extremely lenghty war, with no one really clearly winning (1450 AD - 1690A.D./5 year turns).

    By 1400 AD, almost every nation had the technology to build everything for the spaceship except the planetary lounge. But no one started to build except the Chinese!!!!!!!! Only the Chinese started to build their spaceship. The first 8 parts were finished by 1430.
    By 1500 AD, the Chinese had al necesseray technology, also for the planetary lounge. But hey never built it!!!!
    By 1690 AD I got my planetary lounge finished and won with a space race victory of course!!!

    How the hell is this possible???

    The space race was like this for 250 years or something:
    English 0 (0)
    Americans 0(0)
    Russians 0 (0)
    Iroquios 0 (0)
    Belgians 0 (0)
    Chinese 8 (0)

    The Chinese could have beaten me easily!!! They had the necesarry technology 200 years before I did, but were too lazy or something to build that one planetary lounge!!!

    Pls explain this to me because I really don't!!!!
    Last edited by Dalai Lama; May 2, 2002, 16:33.

  • #2
    Maybe they ran out of aluminum?

    Or perhaps the Russians took the city that was building it?


    • #3
      Nope, they had all the necessary resources (they could build modern armor, radar artillery, stealths, Aegis cruisers) and the Russians didn't get near the core of the Chinese empire. The war was fought in the former Aztec empire region, between China and Russia.
      As a matter of fact: the Chinese were getting nearer to the core of the Russian empire than the other way around.
      Fact is, they could definetly build it if they wanted.


      • #4
        1. Did the Chinese loose their capital or something? If they lost their capital, they have to start over.

        2. If their enemy destroyed their Apollo, they won't be able to finish their spaceship.

        PS: I'm just guessing...I could be wrong.


        • #5
          There are quite a few bugs in the game still, even after the patches, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is another AI shortcoming.


          • #6
            That is quite annoying bug! I havent ever ran into these kind of bugs, because I never play with space race option on
            Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.

            - Paul Valery


            • #7
              Most likely they have to
              (1) have an 'appropriate' city available to start building it, and
              (2) pass the randomizer 'decision' check to build it.

              Just like us organics, they have to make the decision. There are too many things potentially going on to hard-code it.


              • #8
                i had an similar experience and had just thought I was lucky. the russians had 8 parts done to my 3, but they never even started the last 2 parts. I launched an invasion of the russian island preceded by 4 nukes and took their capitol thus destroying their ship, but they had at least 20 turns that they could have built those last parts or at least started them. i was playing regent at that time.


                • #9
                  No official response yet? I think it defintely should be fixed...


                  • #10
                    yes, it does seem that the AI can get side-tracked while building the space ship..

                    sometimes they build a few, sometimes just 1 and other times they just never bother?!

                    i don't know why, but yes the AI does seem reluctant in the space race sometimes...

                    Soren, if you are listening, an official response would be nice as to the mechanisms behind the AI and the Space race!>


                    • #11
                      yes, just tested this and in my game the one AI built 8/10 parts, another 3/10 and they built no more even though they had all the resources and all the techs to do so.

                      i ended up catching them up and winning the space race...



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by =DrJambo=
                        yes, just tested this and in my game the one AI built 8/10 parts, another 3/10 and they built no more even though they had all the resources and all the techs to do so.

                        i ended up catching them up and winning the space race...

                        What a lousey win, you feel cheated i know it happened to me to but not as extreme.
                        Rus had 6 parts
                        I had 2
                        and i won
                        ALU might have run out though for them
                        ( but they controlled half of the world )
                        so unlkely


                        • #13
                          Just a programming point probably. I usually trade all an opponents resources (such as Aluminium) for a lot of stuff. And then I can win the space race.
                          Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
                          Waikato University, Hamilton.

