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Disbanding Cities

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  • Disbanding Cities

    Does anybody know if you can disband a city and how?
    I screwed up and placed a city in the middle of an island next to an oil resource. I meant to place it on the water so I can build a harbor and supply my civ with oil. It is my only oil.

  • #2
    If you have the 1.21f patch, right-click on the city from the main map. There will be an option "Abandon City." If you do this, however, you lose all the population.
    Tutto nel mondo è burla


    • #3
      Re: Disbanding Cities

      Originally posted by caveman
      Does anybody know if you can disband a city and how?
      I screwed up and placed a city in the middle of an island next to an oil resource. I meant to place it on the water so I can build a harbor and supply my civ with oil. It is my only oil.
      The best way in this instance is use an autosave from just before you built the city.

      If however you want to abandon the city AND not wipe out the population (that is what happens if you use the right click abandon city option) this is what you do.

      If the the city has more than two pop then set it to produce workers untill the population is down to two.

      Then set the city to produce a settler. Before the settler is produced you must set the food to ZERO growth. Not negative nor postive but exactly no growth. If the city is not at zero the Domestic Anoyance will hold back production of the settler automaticly untill the city population reached three.

      If you do set the growth to zero the turn the city produces the settler the Domestic Moron will ask if you really really really want to abandon the city. Say yes and the settler will be produced and the city will no longer exist.

      You can do the same basic thing if the city is at one but then you must build a worker instead of a settler. You still must have zero growth or it won't work.


      • #4
        If I want to disband a big city. There are two ways I usually do it:

        1. Rush produce workers or settlers until the city down size to zero.

        2. Give the city to my enemy (free of charge). Then I immediately retake and raze it. I believe that if you raze a city of size 12, you will capture 3 slave workers or something. Slave workers are wonderful; sure they work a lot slower than the average workers, but they are maintenance free.

        Of course, like Boris said, you can also use the "Abandon City" if you have the latest patch.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Moonsinger
          If I want to disband a big city. There are two ways I usually do it:

          1. Rush produce workers or settlers until the city down size to zero.

          2. Give the city to my enemy (free of charge). Then I immediately retake and raze it. I believe that if you raze a city of size 12, you will capture 3 slave workers or something. Slave workers are wonderful; sure they work a lot slower than the average workers, but they are maintenance free.

          Of course, like Boris said, you can also use the "Abandon City" if you have the latest patch.
          Number one is the best. Workers and settlers can repopulate your new city.


          • #6
            Incidently, I've found the new 'abandon city' option quite useful when dealing with a city that flips - if I'm in a quasi cheating mood.

            When a captured city overthrows my civ, I (sometimes) reload and abandon the city on the previous turn. Cheating....perhaps, but the culture flipping is way overdone in this game. Of course, I still don't have the city, but I'll be darned if the AI is going to get it back.


            • #7
              I love this new option , I also love culture. If the world was full and I didnt feel like war I would plop cities along my border , and build up their culture ( The AI doesnt seem that concerned about its borders). Since I over take all their land I generally end up with the city too. Then I would have to rush settelers to get rid of the damn city I just took over plus the city i plopped next to it so I could then make a third city on the outer limits of that culture ring. It was all so complicated and messy, and for like 10 turns i would have 3 cities where there should only be one. Now I just get rid of the other two its great. Plus when I invade an enemy I capture all of its cities , and then turn around and dump them all. One question on that though , when I raze everyone gets mad at me , what does the civilized world think of me taking cities by forse and then dumping them?

