I thought it might be an interesting idea to find out the moment when you were most humbled by the AI, or when only the greatest of escapes from certain doom allowed you to recover and continue...! 
Pray, tell all...
On that thought i'll start by telling you of a lucky escape...
Rashly, in the early modern era (large map, 12 civs, monarch level) i refused the babylonians a demand and they went to war with me. They were situated on a continent with just themselves and Egypt after freshly booting the Greeks from the bottom corner. Myself (Romans), the English and the Germans were situated on the other continent and were all equal powered. THe Babs and the Gypos were easily the most powerful of the remaining civs with the Bab's freshly conquered Greek cities lying through the Gypo empire nearest my own continent.
So i proceeded to launch an amphibious assault on the recently taken Greek cities, since they were separated from the other Bab cities by Egypt. After successfully taking them, i started building them up and transferring units across by helicopter and airlifts.
Nothing happened for many a year, until we were well into the modern age.
Then, just when i thought 'this is dull' from out the corner of the Egyptian empire strolled 200+ Babylonian units (mainly mech inf and longbows the daft bas****; now i have longbows upgrade to riflemen
). My outpost cities on the their continent looked doomed!
Soooo, in a moment of rashness, i dumped an ICBM on them and wiped a lot out and weakened many...THEN all the other Civs declared war on me; now i am truly ****** i thought! So i released the another ICBM on the same stack of Bab units and one on London, muwhahaha.... and prayed for the best.
Needless to say things got worse. 16 Gypo battleships started bombarding my coastline ruining everthing, Gypo artillery and units assaulted my outpost, which promptly floundered and perished. The English and Germans invaded with bombers, infantry and all sorts and a backs to the wall defensive was started. Plus someone had the nerve to drop an ICBM on one of my main cities...
I manged to barter peace with the Babs and persuade them to fight the Gypos, relieving me of their bloody bombarding fleet, this left me to cope with the English and Germans. Just when my resources were no more through bombardment and my aluminium decided to run out, i managed to barter peace with the Germans and fight out a stalemate with the English...
The recovery period was massive, as most of my network was obliterated... My lack of aluminium is causing me to slip behind in the space race and the high tech units. I have lost ground and gained other against the English as i make my hopeful way to one of their sources of aluminium. If i can only get hold of that i may yet be able to pull off a last ditch space victory although i am now 4 pieces behind the Babs... The diplomatic victory is totally out of the question once that last world war broke out and nuclear weapons were used!
The Gypos or Babs are the hot favourites for victory now..
Cracking stuff, sometimes its really fun to be up against it!
Your turns now..

Pray, tell all...
On that thought i'll start by telling you of a lucky escape...
Rashly, in the early modern era (large map, 12 civs, monarch level) i refused the babylonians a demand and they went to war with me. They were situated on a continent with just themselves and Egypt after freshly booting the Greeks from the bottom corner. Myself (Romans), the English and the Germans were situated on the other continent and were all equal powered. THe Babs and the Gypos were easily the most powerful of the remaining civs with the Bab's freshly conquered Greek cities lying through the Gypo empire nearest my own continent.
So i proceeded to launch an amphibious assault on the recently taken Greek cities, since they were separated from the other Bab cities by Egypt. After successfully taking them, i started building them up and transferring units across by helicopter and airlifts.
Nothing happened for many a year, until we were well into the modern age.
Then, just when i thought 'this is dull' from out the corner of the Egyptian empire strolled 200+ Babylonian units (mainly mech inf and longbows the daft bas****; now i have longbows upgrade to riflemen

Soooo, in a moment of rashness, i dumped an ICBM on them and wiped a lot out and weakened many...THEN all the other Civs declared war on me; now i am truly ****** i thought! So i released the another ICBM on the same stack of Bab units and one on London, muwhahaha.... and prayed for the best.
Needless to say things got worse. 16 Gypo battleships started bombarding my coastline ruining everthing, Gypo artillery and units assaulted my outpost, which promptly floundered and perished. The English and Germans invaded with bombers, infantry and all sorts and a backs to the wall defensive was started. Plus someone had the nerve to drop an ICBM on one of my main cities...

I manged to barter peace with the Babs and persuade them to fight the Gypos, relieving me of their bloody bombarding fleet, this left me to cope with the English and Germans. Just when my resources were no more through bombardment and my aluminium decided to run out, i managed to barter peace with the Germans and fight out a stalemate with the English...
The recovery period was massive, as most of my network was obliterated... My lack of aluminium is causing me to slip behind in the space race and the high tech units. I have lost ground and gained other against the English as i make my hopeful way to one of their sources of aluminium. If i can only get hold of that i may yet be able to pull off a last ditch space victory although i am now 4 pieces behind the Babs... The diplomatic victory is totally out of the question once that last world war broke out and nuclear weapons were used!
The Gypos or Babs are the hot favourites for victory now..
Cracking stuff, sometimes its really fun to be up against it!

Your turns now..