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Whats the best patch to use?

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  • Whats the best patch to use?

    Ok I seen patch 1.21 and so far its slowed the turns abit, doesn't show all the players in the diplomacy screen that i've discovered and this active player thing doesn't seem to work right. Can't add new units. So seems its not the patch to use.

    Patch 1.17 i've heard theres major problems from it.

    How about patch 1.16?

    Maybe its best not to use any patches.

    Damn not sure what to do.

    One thing is for sure. Reinstall CIV2. I can't believe how a dissapointment this CIV3 is.

    CIV3 is a disapointment to this community and turn based games. What a Farse.

    Once known as Civfan........................
    Signing off..........
    Civfan (Warriorsoflight)

  • #2
    Forget 1.17.

    1.16 is fair.

    Base install, unpatch is not good.

    If using mods, use 1.16f. if not using mods, use 1.21. I have heard 1.21 may be problem with mods as all graphics are assigned but have not played with mods myself. Depending on the severity of the mods, the ability to control corruption is a nice add to 1.21.

    I have been running 1.21 since it came out and have had no slowness issues.

    Diplomacy screen, all but 1.21 will only show 8 players. 1.21 is supposed to show more than 8, but I have never played with that many players.

    I would agree the base game and default settings make for a disappointing game, but I can play reasonable games after using the editor. Still would like to see more range for aircraft, you know something between 8 tiles and infinite, but not there yet. I would like to have seen manhattan be a small wonder to emulate the world of present, some have nukes and most do not. Alas, firaxis is unwilling to tackle the recoding required to make that happen.

    Don't know about civ2, civ3 is the first civ game I have played.

    Of course you can always play alpha centurai.


    • #3
      Originally posted by planetfall
      Don't know about civ2, civ3 is the first civ game I have played.

      Of course you can always play alpha centurai.
      PLAY CIV 2!!! Find out how much FUN you can have.

      BTW, I vote for 1.21 - best of a bad lot.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Coracle

        PLAY CIV 2!!! Find out how much FUN you can have.

        BTW, I vote for 1.21 - best of a bad lot.
        You do know that there is a chance he won't like CIV 2.
        Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


        • #5
          You can add units with C3MT current version. It's available in the Files forum.

          And yes. 1.21 is much better, so far.
          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


          • #6
            why play civ2?
            no corruption slider
            no tech race
            no tech devaluation
            no new firaxis patchs
            no hope for improvement
            What's there to recommend it. I have the disk but not motivated to install it.

            Not likely will play civ2, more likely to pick up alpha centurai. Weird play characters, this is from a sf fan, but supposed to be a fanastic game if want a challenging game.

            Most of the time I am just looking for an interesting game, and after 1.21 civ3 gets that way. How long it will last is hard to tell. If it hangs out too long it is either go back to a simple game you can finish in a decent chunck of time, Axis and Allies, or go for some other simulation game.


            • #7
              Civ 2 is a MAJOR CLASSIC in computer war gaming history.

              It remains much moe fun than Civ 3, and you can even build scenarios, and you have a cheat mode. You have real diplomats, real spying, a cruiser unit, more techs, and no stupid Culture Flipping, no AI settler land-grabbing or other crap as in Civ 3.

              Civ 2 rules. Forever.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Coracle
                Civ 2 is a MAJOR CLASSIC in computer war gaming history.

                It remains much moe fun than Civ 3, and you can even build scenarios, and you have a cheat mode. You have real diplomats, real spying, a cruiser unit, more techs, and no stupid Culture Flipping, no AI settler land-grabbing or other crap as in Civ 3.

                Civ 2 rules. Forever.

                Civ 2 is a sequel to CIV, it's basically a prettied up version. Very little differences, except HP and firepower.

                CIVILIZATION is the classic. Civ 2 is the sequel.
                Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                • #9
                  Whats the best patch to use?


                  Always the last.

                  " Deal with me fairly and I'll allow you to breathe on ... for a while. Deal with me unfairly and your deeds shall be remembered and punished. Your last human remains will feed the vultures who circle in large numbers above the ruins of your once proud cities. "
                  - emperor level all time
                  - I'm back !!! (too...)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Coracle
                    Civ 2 is a MAJOR CLASSIC in computer war gaming history.

                    It remains much moe fun than Civ 3, and you can even build scenarios, and you have a cheat mode.
                    You seem to care so much about this cheat mode. It was easier to play civ2 when you had that safety net, eh?


                    • #11
                      Use 1.21f, turn off autosave.


                      • #12

                        Use 1.21f, works great. Civ2 may be a classic, or Civilization even more of a classic, but if I had played Civ3 before playing those, I wouldn't have really liked them. Sure, a few features they had that Civ3 didn't i'd like, but general gameplay wouldn't be the same, Civ3 is better then Civ1 and Civ2. :P And whats with all these people coming on, asking for opinions, then deciding to switch back to Civ2 all in the same post? Don't understand the people who don't play the game because they don't like it but come here to tell us bad it is, like we're missing it by liking it ourselves.(speaking for those who do like it) But bah, anyway..
                        "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


                        • #13
                          1.21f, especially on faster computers.
                          Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
                          Waikato University, Hamilton.


                          • #14
                            Civ 2 is a MAJOR CLASSIC in computer war gaming history.
                            Civilization is not a war game. Just if you happend to be a warmonger perhaps.


                            • #15
                              Play Patch is due out in three months. It will certainly be the best............not!

