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Civ 3 Oddities

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  • Civ 3 Oddities

    No, not all that culture flipping and tank vs. spearman stuff.

    I'm not sure if this is old news to everybody else, but there is a lot of interesting stuff in the Text directory of the game. Some of it pertains to multiplayer, and some things are references to Alpha Centauri (or features from Alpha Centauri that never made it in the final game). So, I've gathered these up to show here.

    In the file "menu.txt"

    Activate Scenario Editor|Ctrl+K
    Omniscient View|Y
    Create Unit...|Shift+F1
    Edit Unit...|Ctrl+Shift+F1
    Technological Breakthrough|Shift+F2
    Edit Technology...|Ctrl+F2
    Set Difficulty Level...|Ctrl+Shift+F3
    Set Energy Reserves...|Shift+F4
    Set Mission Year...|Shift+F5
    Eliminate Faction...|Shift+F6
    Reload Faction|Ctrl+Shift+F6
    View Replay...|Shift+F7
    View Movies...|Shift+F8
    Reset Technology|Ctrl+F8
    Reset All Factions|Ctrl+Shift+F8

    Edit Faction Diplomacy|Shift+F9
    Edit Custom Rules|Shift+F10
    Edit Scenario Rules|Shift+F11
    Edit Scenario Parameters|Shift+F12
    Edit Scenario Victory|Ctrl+Shift+F12
    Load Scenario|Ctrl+Shift+F7
    Save Scenario|Ctrl+F7

    Save Map|Ctrl+F5
    Load Map|Ctrl+Shift+F5
    Place Elevations|1
    Place Rocky Squares|2

    Place River Sources|3
    Place Special Resources|4
    Place Unity Pods|5
    Place Terrain Enhancements|6
    Cover/Uncover Map Squares
    Place Minor Landmark Squares
    Place At Cursor|Ctrl+Left (+Shift paints)
    Remove At Cursor|Ctrl+Right (+Shift paints)
    Paint & Editor Only Mode|SCROLL LOCK
    Change Brush Size|7
    Toggle Round/Flat Map
    Set Climate And World Parameters|8
    (Slow) Generate Random Map|9
    (Fast) Generate Random Map|0
    Generate/Remove Fungus
    Randomize Rockiness

    Randomize Resources & Beacons
    Toggle Random Resources & Beacons
    Clear Map (All Ocean) and Set Size
    Apply Polar Caps
    Clear Terrain Enhancements
    Toggle "Editor Only" Mode|Ctrl+Shift+F10
    All things in bold are definitely from Alpha Centauri and are not in Civ 3.

    From "play the world.txt":

    ; Play the world
    ; text strings for the main menu
    ; Created: D.E.

    Get the Game of the Week
    Get the Game of the Day
    View Scores
    Your Current Score:

    Cannot find the Server or communications error.

    Bad username, please re-enter or create a new account.

    Password incorrect, please try again.

    Undefined error. Server returned something unexpected.

    # ; This line must remain at end of file
    Seems to be the remnants of the multiplayer system.

    From "script.txt":

    #comment __________________________________________________ _______________________________________Multi-player Stuff

    #x 300
    #y 280
    #xs 320
    #caption Enter You Message


    #caption Select Leader
    Who would you like to send the message to?

    #caption Select Leader
    Who would you like to trade with?

    #caption Trade Request
    $LEADER0 would like to trade with you, do you accept?
    There's quite a bit more. Basically, it's all of the multiplayer text you would need for the game.

    From "labels.txt":

    Adv. Preferences
    Warning Preferences
    Automation Preferences
    Audio/Visual Preferences
    30-50% of surface
    Strong (Rolling and flat terrain)
    Sparse (light rainfall)
    Max Players
    Global Difficulty Level
    Planet Size
    Ocean Coverage
    Erosive Forces
    Native Life Forms
    Cloud Cover
    Load Map
    Load Scenario
    Load Game
    Again, there are some more references to Alpha Centauri features in there.

    So, these cases beg the question, how much did Firaxis cut back on the game? Or, did they copy-paste from Alpha Centauri for much of their settings? Or is it a subtle joke? And, wouldn't multiplayer be fun?
    The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.

  • #2
    I think that when they started to create Civ3 they borrowed some things from SMAC, to work as a basic engine. Also, remember that Brian Reynolds was leading the team, so it was natural that he decided to use things from his masterpiece.
    I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


    • #3
      more strange SMAC stuff:

      ; Sid Meier's CIVILIZATION III
      ; Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by Firaxis Games, Inc.



      # ; This line must remain at end

      Apparently leftover MP stuff:

      ; Play the world
      ; text strings for the main menu
      ; Created: D.E.

      Get the Game of the Week
      Get the Game of the Day
      View Scores
      Your Current Score:

      Cannot find the Server or communications error.

      Bad username, please re-enter or create a new account.

      Password incorrect, please try again.

      Undefined error. Server returned something unexpected.

      # ; This line must remain at end of file

      ; Sid Meier's CIVILIZATION III
      ; General JACKAL Errors
      ; Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by Firaxis Games, Inc.

      #xs 320
      #caption LOADING ERROR
      Unable to find file $FILENAME0.

      #xs 320
      #caption WARNING
      ^^$FILENAME0 already exists. Overwrite?

      #xs 320
      #caption Set password?


      #xs 320
      #caption Enter session password

      #xs 320
      #caption Host Multiplayer Game
      Enter game name:
      Enter your name:
      ##Optional password:

      #xs 320
      #caption Join Multiplayer Game
      Enter your name:

      #xs 320
      #caption NOTICE
      ^^Game name required. Please try again.

      #xs 320
      #caption NOTICE
      ^^Player name required. Please try again.

      #xs 200
      #caption Create Multiplayer Game
      ^^Choose number of players allowed

      #xs 320
      #caption NOTICE
      ^^Password protection has been set.

      #xs 320
      #caption Game Not Found
      #button Try Again
      No game was found.

      #xs 440
      #caption Pick Game to Join
      #button Refresh

      #xs 320
      #caption Sid Meier's CIVILIZATION III
      #button Retry
      The CIVILIZATION III CD-ROM was not detected. Some game features
      will not function without the CD in the drive unless you have
      performed a "Complete Install".

      #xs 320
      #caption Host or Join Session
      Would you like to host a new game or join an existing one?


      #xs 320
      #caption MultiPlayer Setup
      Select a service...


      #xs 320
      #caption DirectDraw Error
      #button Install DirectX
      We have encountered a problem with the DirectDraw configuration
      on your machine. The following error was returned: $SOMEERROR0. The game requires
      proper installation of DirectX, version 5 or later. If you would like to try
      installing or reinstalling DirectX, please be sure the game CD-ROM is in your drive, and
      press "Install DirectX" below.

      #xs 320
      #caption DirectPlay Error
      #button Install DirectX
      We have encountered a problem with the DirectPlay configuration
      on your machine. The following error was returned: $SOMEERROR0. The game requires
      proper installation of DirectX, version 5 or later. If you would like to try
      installing or reinstalling DirectX, please be sure the game CD-ROM is in your drive, and
      press "Install DirectX" below.

      #xs 320
      #caption Sid Meier's CIVILIZATION III
      #button Retry
      The Alpha Centauri CD-ROM was not detected. Some game features
      will not function without the CD in the drive.

      #xs 320
      #caption Version Incompatibility
      A player has attempted to connect with a newer and incompatible version of the game. You may upgrade your
      version at $LINK<>.

      #xs 320
      #caption Version Incompatibility
      Sorry, but the host's version of the game ($HOSTVERSION0) is newer than your version ($CLIENTVERSION1). You may upgrade
      your version at $LINK<>.

      #xs 320
      #caption Version Incompatibility
      Sorry, but the host's version of the game is older than your version and incompatible. In order to connect, this
      session's host will need to upgrade the game.

      #xs 320
      #caption Guaranteed Message Failure
      #button Retry
      #button Continue Game Solo
      #button Quit Game
      An attempt to send a message to $PLAYERNAME0 has failed.

      #xs 320
      #caption WARNING
      The filename you have requested contains illegal characters. Please try again.

      #xs 440
      A message has failed to be transmitted to the following players: $PLAYERNAMES0.
      This may be a temporary condition, but it could also indicate that
      the network connection has been permanently lost.
      How would you like this error to be handled?

      Try again for 20 seconds.
      Drop from session but continue the game solo.
      Exit game.
      Skip this message (potentially fatal).

      #xs 440
      Host $PLAYERNAME0 is not responding. This may be a temporary
      condition, but it could also indicate the network connection has been
      permanently lost. You may (a) attempt to reestablish the connection
      (b) drop the host and continue without him, (c) drop him and save the
      game to finish in a new session.

      Drop host and become host.
      Don't drop host.
      Don't drop host, and adjust tolerance.

      #xs 440
      Player $PLAYERNAME0 is not responding. This may be a temporary
      condition, but it could also indicate the network connection has been
      permanently lost. You may (a) attempt to reestablish the connection,
      (b) drop the player and continue without him, or (c) drop him and
      save the game to finish in a new session.

      Drop $PLAYERNAME0.
      Don't drop $PLAYERNAME0.
      Don't drop $PLAYERNAME0, and adjust tolerance.

      #xs 320
      Host $PLAYERNAME0 and the potential next host, $PLAYERNAME1, are not responding.
      This may be a temporary condition, but it could also indicate the
      network connection has been permanently lost.

      End net game.
      Continue attempting to play.
      Continue attempting to play, and adjust tolerance.

      #xs 320
      Select desired drop tolerance.

      5 seconds
      10 seconds (Default)
      20 seconds
      30 seconds

      #xs 320
      #caption CPU NOT SUPPORTED
      #button PLAY ANYWAY
      Your cpu is not supported. You may attempt to play the game anyway; however, crashes are possible.

      # ; This line must remain at end of file

      Just a coul[ple of strange things, but i think that this proves that multiplayer has always been possible.

      Wonder if there's enough that a smart guy might be able to figure out how to implement it......

      Just a thought.


      • #4
        Old news, but since Firaxis announced that Civ III multiplayer is on the way, there won't really be any need for someone outside Firaxis to tinker with the game and implement these things.

        The SMAC stuff in there is just plain wierd. Civ III has a different engine to SMAC (AC being 3D, Civ III being 2D) so that kind of thing can't really be implemeted without a huge overhaul of the game engine.
        "Corporation, n, An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility." -- Ambrose Bierce
        "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." -- Benjamin Franklin
        "Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction." -- Thomas Jefferson


        • #5
          I think its a shame that there isn't a lot more SMAC in Civ3.


          • #6
            Originally posted by jimmytrick
            I think its a shame that there isn't a lot more SMAC in Civ3.
            Who doesn't?


            • #7
              Originally posted by jimmytrick
              I think its a shame that there isn't a lot more SMAC in Civ3.
              Don't we all. Some concepts such as the "territorial boundaries" in SMAC/X were IMHO improved with the cultural boundaries. A brand new village should not suddenly lay claim to the kind of territorial expansion seen in SMAC/X. It was very easy to claim a huge swath of territory just by sending your colony pods to the edge of your area before building a new colony. In Civ3, your area of influence is marked by how much cultural influence you are exerting and is much more realistic. I'd like to see if fill in a little bit more of the territory when you space your cities out so they won't eventually crowd each other out (instead of the 1-sector junction it may fill in), but I haven't seen the AI sneak cities into those gaps within your territory, just along the edges. I have been known to sneak into those gaps in the AI's territory, but those cities usually fell victim to culture flip so I stopped doing it. I think it would be better if cities had an intrinsic amount of culture without building improvements (just 1 point/turn would do) so that it would grow the border on its own without having to take the time to build a temple, though (change the "cities with no culture are destroyed when conquered" rule to "cities with no cultural structures are destroyed when conquered").

              Bombardment was weakened and strengthened in SMAC over CIV2, and made almost useless in CIV3. I would love to see a return of SMAC-style bombardment to CIV3. That was how bombard should work.

              Diplomacy in CIV2 was next to useless, consisting primarily of "nice doggie" style diplomacy. In SMAC, when you allied with somebody, you could try to direct their attacks so that you weren't trying to mass against the same space (or perhaps so that you were massing against the same stronghold). You could trade units, you could park in friendly cities, and you couldn't sneak attack against an ally without declaring, which teleported your troops out of his territory. The entire trade concept in CIV3, with all of its luxuries, resources, and tech is a vast improvement over both CIV2 and SMAC, but those kinds overall improvements are few and far between.

              I have well over 500 hours of both CIV2 and SMAC under my belt. I'm ready to shelve CIV3 after only 100 or so. I got tired of how ridiculously easy CIV2 was and how easy it was to abuse construction via crawlers and the unit workshop in SMAC.

              The Unit workshop was a beautiful thing, but the AI wasn't very good at using it. Instead of improving the AI, they yanked the workshop.

              My big disappointment with CIV3 is that instead of being more of an evolution from SMAC set back in the Civ universe, it is more of a re-evaluation of the wishlist left over from CIV2. Perhaps someday we'll see a CIV4 that is evolved out of SMAC instead of CIV3. To be sure, there are things about CIV3 that I like and I'll certainly continue to play it off-and-on, but they aren't enough to utterly destroy my life, which is how the game was advertised.


              • #8
                Originally posted by dawidge

                I'd like to see if fill in a little bit more of the territory when you space your cities out so they won't eventually crowd each other out (instead of the 1-sector junction it may fill in), but I haven't seen the AI sneak cities into those gaps within your territory, just along the edges. I have been known to sneak into those gaps in the AI's territory, but those cities usually fell victim to culture flip so I stopped doing it. I think it would be better if cities had an intrinsic amount of culture without building improvements (just 1 point/turn would do) so that it would grow the border on its own without having to take the time to build a temple, though (change the "cities with no culture are destroyed when conquered" rule to "cities with no cultural structures are destroyed when conquered").
                If you're willing to mod your game a bit, there's a solution to what you're looking for and it adds a bit more strategy to the game.

                In brief, I added a "shrine" bldg that req's no techs, is culture only, +2 cpt, costs 10 or 20 shield, and costs 3gpt maintenance. This shrine lets you expand to next culture level in 5 turns (10cp), which helps close those gaps to the AI, and expands boundaries to full city radius so you can work all tiles. It's almost like a way of converting gold to culture. Afterwards, I always upgrade to temple b/c while very useful initially, the shrine is too expensive to run for very long (recall that the next border expansion needs 100cp, then 1000cp, then 10000cp) and the temple is a better long-term choice.

                See it in more detail here:
                Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
                Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
                Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
                Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


                • #9
                  You hadn't noticed this stuff before?
                  Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
                  Waikato University, Hamilton.


                  • #10
                    i like how it says civ3 copyright 1997... meaning they took 5 years to make a game that still is considered a beta by many.
                    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                    • #11
                      © 1997? Wheres that Uber??
                      Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
                      Waikato University, Hamilton.

