The major issue with workers is the tedium that it produces, particuarly in the later stages of the game. Perhaps the answer lies in the way orders are issued.
Instead of giving specific orders for each worker, how about being able to give general orders similar to the CTP public works interface, except it isn't public works, you are simply giving general orders to all your workers that they will fufill as the workers are available. For instance, you place orders that a road needs to be built here, an irrigation there etc. One worker then sets off to build the road, another (if you have one) to do the irrigation etc. Therefore, effectively the game works exactly as it did before, it's just the way you give orders that has changed. I believe this easier way of giving orders, this slight alteration to the interface, would relieve the game tedium somewhat.
Instead of giving specific orders for each worker, how about being able to give general orders similar to the CTP public works interface, except it isn't public works, you are simply giving general orders to all your workers that they will fufill as the workers are available. For instance, you place orders that a road needs to be built here, an irrigation there etc. One worker then sets off to build the road, another (if you have one) to do the irrigation etc. Therefore, effectively the game works exactly as it did before, it's just the way you give orders that has changed. I believe this easier way of giving orders, this slight alteration to the interface, would relieve the game tedium somewhat.