for the first time I have been massively dominant from very early in the game (Regent). However this has shown up some new (to me) and rather annoying tendecies of the AI.
1) Why won't it ever admit it is beaten
For example I crush India in a few turns, they have one city left. So I click diplomacy, "Our troops approach you borders..." and the response is invariably we'll fight on, we won't surrender to threats, etc. This option seems redundant as it never has any effect on the AI.
2) 3000 thousand years after last fighting the Indians they are still furious with me, what is the logic here? They are surely the great, great, ..., grandson/daughters, you would think they might have forgiven me over time?
3) Sneak attacks, I have suffered sneak attacks from Eygptians, Japanese, and Aztecs having never attacked any of them! This invariably led to the destruction of them by me
But given that I am now as powerful as all the other civs combined why does the AI persist with this?
for the first time I have been massively dominant from very early in the game (Regent). However this has shown up some new (to me) and rather annoying tendecies of the AI.
1) Why won't it ever admit it is beaten

2) 3000 thousand years after last fighting the Indians they are still furious with me, what is the logic here? They are surely the great, great, ..., grandson/daughters, you would think they might have forgiven me over time?
3) Sneak attacks, I have suffered sneak attacks from Eygptians, Japanese, and Aztecs having never attacked any of them! This invariably led to the destruction of them by me
