I have to agree with this one... Civ3 is a TURN BASED strategy game. Keeping that in mind, think about other games strategy games you've played (assuming TBS games aren't the only you play) like the Command & Conquer genre, Age of Empires, etc. They work in real time, and do a pretty good job of it, without the 45 sec to 2 min lag between moves that you see in Civ3.
First there are the cities, every turn lot's of thing have to be calculated for them, e.g. happines, production, production bonusses from building, building upkeep, research bonusses etc... now that's just if there are only human players, now you got the AI, this is way more complex than any rts game (except for RoN Maybe

maybe firaxis should replace the "please wait" with somethin else, so people will know what the cpu is doing, like "calculting paths", "calculating turn for city xxx", or "planning AI strategy for civ xxx"
what comes down to is this, don't compare rts performance woth tbs performance, rts is meant to be fast, tbs is meant to be strategic/realistic.