This is a big one, but I have to elaborate....
The Senate, and the control it exerted over the Leader`s foreign policy, its sensitivity towards it was one of the main aspects of the Republican form of Government on CIVII. That (Republic) was much the opposite to Monarchy or an Absolute Government, where your rule was uncheked and as such, you could push for an agressive foreign policy, investing heavily on the military in detriment to civil works, and geting away with it, since it took 2 or 3 units to impose martial law and crush civil disorder, besides the restricted liberty being inherent to the regime.
But if this very nature of Absolute governments favored the Civ`s initial expansion through military means, also it would affect the maintenance of its established position due to the high levels of corruption, limited economic growth (shields) and slow cientific research.
Compared to it, a Republican regime offered higher and faster production and growth, faster cientific research, a limited rate of corruption and higher tax revenues. However, it restricted an agressive foreign policy, forcing the Leader to decide to cancel or avoid military compromises to other CIVs which might lead to war; in a Republic, a war he/she might not be able to conduct to the desired end, because of a peace treaty or cease-fire imposed by the Senate.
As such, even if the Leader choose to "un-bury the hatchet", declaration of war on other CIVs, on the continuance of it against the CIVs main enemy would be subjected to deliberation by the Senate, where you could hope the "Hawk-party to derail interference" or the passing of a "resolution authorazing the action".
And thats what made playing a Republic the more fun! You had to balance that what you wanted with a Senate who might refuse to give it to you. And I think this particularity of CIVII should come back to CIVIII, and more, it should be perfected. For example:
_like the Senate having a say on the tax rate you want to impose or in the scientific advance you have to choose to research or even the limit of military forces (units) of your CIVs Order of Battle, having the power to disband units.
_and the leader too, influencing the Senate`s decisions with bribes or public works on the most important cities-for a Republic is a Federation of City-States, with every City having its own representation through a Senator with a vote, the bigger cities having more votes, with stronger Senators- and also, your alliances or peace treaties with other CIVs being subject to ratification and approval by the Senate.
The voting system could be like this:
Cities size 16 or more - 4 votes
size 12 - 3 votes
size 08 - 2 votes
size 06 - 1 vote
size 05 or lower - no vote, without representation
the city`s/ senator`s vote could be achieved by:
-building specific public work - vote for 8 turns
-building small wonder - vote for 20 turns
-building Big wonder - vote guaranteed till the wonder gets obsolete
Also, the Leader could buy the vote, in this case
-vote for 2 turns and increase of 25% corruption and waste in the city
the corruption would be attenuated by a court house, but with it, it would be harder or more expensive to buy a vote
if discovered, the treasury would loose the value paid for the vote, the value of the bribery-as compensation to the public coffers;
the city would loose 1 vote, if size 8 or highter, if size 6, the vote would be always negative; or bribery could happen only in cities size 8 or higher
and the more briberies are discovered, the Leader permanently looses votes from other cities, until the Republic collapses, government falls and anarchy reigns. And you cant have another Republic for some 30 turns.
Well, anyway this is just an idea, like so many others that came. In short, my message is: I WANT THE SENATE BACK, THE SENATE IS FUN TO PLAY WITH, I guess other CIV players think like me, I wouldnt be surprised if a thread like this hasnt shown up before.
Comment, replies, out-raged bursts of indignation, just answer to this thread.
P.S.: If "The return of the Senate" happens to have a good answer, can we tell the Infopatchers to work this out on the next version? Can they do it? Will they? Has an idea that came from these Forums been incorporated in the game before? Anyway, as im not a computer programer could this be put in the game? As a patch?
The Senate, and the control it exerted over the Leader`s foreign policy, its sensitivity towards it was one of the main aspects of the Republican form of Government on CIVII. That (Republic) was much the opposite to Monarchy or an Absolute Government, where your rule was uncheked and as such, you could push for an agressive foreign policy, investing heavily on the military in detriment to civil works, and geting away with it, since it took 2 or 3 units to impose martial law and crush civil disorder, besides the restricted liberty being inherent to the regime.
But if this very nature of Absolute governments favored the Civ`s initial expansion through military means, also it would affect the maintenance of its established position due to the high levels of corruption, limited economic growth (shields) and slow cientific research.
Compared to it, a Republican regime offered higher and faster production and growth, faster cientific research, a limited rate of corruption and higher tax revenues. However, it restricted an agressive foreign policy, forcing the Leader to decide to cancel or avoid military compromises to other CIVs which might lead to war; in a Republic, a war he/she might not be able to conduct to the desired end, because of a peace treaty or cease-fire imposed by the Senate.
As such, even if the Leader choose to "un-bury the hatchet", declaration of war on other CIVs, on the continuance of it against the CIVs main enemy would be subjected to deliberation by the Senate, where you could hope the "Hawk-party to derail interference" or the passing of a "resolution authorazing the action".
And thats what made playing a Republic the more fun! You had to balance that what you wanted with a Senate who might refuse to give it to you. And I think this particularity of CIVII should come back to CIVIII, and more, it should be perfected. For example:
_like the Senate having a say on the tax rate you want to impose or in the scientific advance you have to choose to research or even the limit of military forces (units) of your CIVs Order of Battle, having the power to disband units.
_and the leader too, influencing the Senate`s decisions with bribes or public works on the most important cities-for a Republic is a Federation of City-States, with every City having its own representation through a Senator with a vote, the bigger cities having more votes, with stronger Senators- and also, your alliances or peace treaties with other CIVs being subject to ratification and approval by the Senate.
The voting system could be like this:
Cities size 16 or more - 4 votes
size 12 - 3 votes
size 08 - 2 votes
size 06 - 1 vote
size 05 or lower - no vote, without representation
the city`s/ senator`s vote could be achieved by:
-building specific public work - vote for 8 turns
-building small wonder - vote for 20 turns
-building Big wonder - vote guaranteed till the wonder gets obsolete
Also, the Leader could buy the vote, in this case
-vote for 2 turns and increase of 25% corruption and waste in the city
the corruption would be attenuated by a court house, but with it, it would be harder or more expensive to buy a vote
if discovered, the treasury would loose the value paid for the vote, the value of the bribery-as compensation to the public coffers;
the city would loose 1 vote, if size 8 or highter, if size 6, the vote would be always negative; or bribery could happen only in cities size 8 or higher
and the more briberies are discovered, the Leader permanently looses votes from other cities, until the Republic collapses, government falls and anarchy reigns. And you cant have another Republic for some 30 turns.
Well, anyway this is just an idea, like so many others that came. In short, my message is: I WANT THE SENATE BACK, THE SENATE IS FUN TO PLAY WITH, I guess other CIV players think like me, I wouldnt be surprised if a thread like this hasnt shown up before.
Comment, replies, out-raged bursts of indignation, just answer to this thread.
P.S.: If "The return of the Senate" happens to have a good answer, can we tell the Infopatchers to work this out on the next version? Can they do it? Will they? Has an idea that came from these Forums been incorporated in the game before? Anyway, as im not a computer programer could this be put in the game? As a patch?